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The Research On Socialist Core Values Mechanism For College Students

Posted on:2014-08-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330422957320Subject:Ideological and political education
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In today’s society, we are in a critical period of development of socialist reform, along with the reform of the economic system, social structure changes and changes in the pattern of interests, which led to the people’s way of life, ideology, values change. Contemporary college students is invaluable human resources is the hope of the nation and the future of the motherland. An increasingly important social role and status of the college students, the strength of the formation of groups of deepening economic reform and political reform in China is of great significance, the students shoulder building a moderately prosperous society, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation "Chinese Dream" historical mission. Of our party’s10Sixth Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee adopted a decision on a number of major issues in building a socialist harmonious society", the requirements and tasks of building a socialist core value system, and want to build a socialist core value system was stressed financial into the national education and spiritual civilization, throughout the whole process of modernization. The main content of the socialist core value system adhere to the guiding ideology of Marxism, adhere to the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the national spirit and patriotism as the core of reform and innovation as the core spirit of the times, adhere to the socialist concept of honor and disgrace four aspects.The main body of the life values of contemporary college students is positive, worthy of recognition, most students can correctly assess their own balance of dedication and obtained both the individual and society, to their material interests and the spirit of the pursuit of unity. China is in the development of socialist reform period of strategic opportunities in the cusp of social transformation. Can all the people firmly establish the socialist core value system is a very difficult and long-term spiritual civilization construction projects, but also of building a well-off society in an all-round way, the strategic task of building a harmonious society. Many college students is easy in such a contradiction is easier when prominent, lost personal life goals and direction. College students, however, is in its own personality growth and development of correct values the build is not easy, and requires a long-term gradual cultivation in order to achieve their goals. The wide contemporary college students to cultivate the process of socialist core values, we must establish a sound mechanism to safeguard cultivate, health, long-term, effectively pursued. In order to build an effective mechanism for the socialist core values of contemporary college students, is to establish a scientific system and working mechanism. The development work of contemporary college students’ socialist core values, the system is mainly refers to the national and university leadership and management of organizational forms and organizational development work of socialist core values; mechanism is used to regulate and restrain socialist core values development work in some kind of mechanism or system of the constituent elements of the mode of action and role of path. To promote the socialist core values of contemporary college students to build, prompting the system is rational and effective operation, improve the working mechanism.Build a socialist core values, is fundamentally enhance the spiritual realm of college students, to reach the ideological and political quality required by the socialist society, able to promote the socialist modernization, thinking of the reaction of social existence, belongs to the category of cultural construction. Building a socialist advanced culture, and promote socialist cultural development and prosperity in the new era of spiritual civilization construction of new standards and new requirements. Especially in the context of globalization, the impact of the network as the main carrier of the information age, culture as the core of the country’s soft power, become the important part of the comprehensive national strength, enhance cultural attraction and influence of the socialist countries, selection force and dissemination force, enhance national cultural soft power. The main body of college students in cultural creation, and actively building a socialist core values, premise and leading role to play college students ingenuity and disseminate socialist advanced culture.The rapid development of society, the increasing demand on the quality of talent, compound talents and physically labor overall quality of talent that has become more competitive. Socialist core values to build the final analysis, in order to more cultured enough to meet the needs of the community talent, which is the starting point and destination of the ideological and political education, obedience and service and social requirements. The purpose of the ideological and political education is to raise awareness and understanding of the world and transform the world, to promote the comprehensive development, cultivate four virtues, the all-round development of the physically labor. Personal and social objectives of the uniform height, so to cultivate college students’ socialist core values of both personal development needs, but also the needs of the community in the process.China is in a critical stage of socialist reform, some social contradictions inevitably, college students as young groups in society less experienced judge of things and the ability to distinguish soft, very vulnerable to the lure of bad ideas to make some radicalacts, not only is not conducive to their own development, but also an adverse social management. It is necessary to guide students to correctly deal with the emergence of some phenomenon in the society, play to the ideological and political education to ensure the students to achieve unity in the political, to achieve its political value, maintain social stability and unity sterile. China has about30million college students, the need to strengthen ideological and political education in this group, to build a socialist core valuesThis article focuses on the mechanism for building a socialist core values research in all aspects of the process and the relationship between the various elements. The main sub-college students from the inside to the outside of the formation mechanism of the three aspects of this part of the students from the recognition mechanism of interaction mechanisms and implementation mechanisms to study students the process of socialist core values. Management mechanism of this process from the decision-making mechanism to build a socialist core values, feedback mechanisms and regulation mechanisms. From the environmental protection mechanism, mechanism of material security, personnel security mechanism, organization and support mechanisms and institutional guarantee mechanism to study the protection mechanism of the socialist core values These three chapters is the core content of this article, a systematic exposition of contemporary college students in the process of building a socialist core values, integrity and targeted unified, theoretical and applied a combination...
Keywords/Search Tags:college students, socialist core values, building mechanism
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