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Study On The Correlation Between Basketball And Personal Ability Development Organization

Posted on:2014-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X C HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330401481017Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis explores the strengthened and prominence role of the special function ofphysical education in personnel training, based on the need of personnel training under thebackground of globalization and informatization in the21st century. The urgent need forpersonal organizational capacity development is the starting point for the exploration of thetheory and the Practice Innovation Demonstration.From the discussion on characteristics of basketball ability and individual organizationpoint of view, the importance of personal organization ability on training compound talents,digs deep the connotation elements of basketball and personal organization, demonstrates therelationship between basketball and personal ability of organization development, finds thecorrelation between them, and riches personal organization ability, and laids the theoreticalfoundation for promoting the all-round development of the cultivation mode of innovative.The research object of this thesis is the development of correlation to basketball andpersonal organization ability on training. This thesis is demonstrated from the aspect ofpractice on the basis of theoretical study. Through the literature data method, questionnairesurvey, expert interview and logical analysis method, it surveys the basketball effects on thesuccess of people and looks for the relationship between basketball and the qualities ofsuccessful people.This thesis analyzes four problems: the theories of the characteristics of modernbasketball; the requirements and reflect of personal ability of organization on all-rounddevelopment of talents in the21st century; the effects of basketball training process on thepersonal organization; and the investigation of effects of basketball exercise on thedevelopment of personal organization. It discusses the effects of basketball on developingpersonal organization, and the effects of basketball training or complicated systems featureson personal organization.The results show that: the basketball training and competition can be used as a way ofcultivating personal organization skills, especially in training for the organization,communication, coordination development of basketball training and competition, andpersonal organization, planning ability, plays a very important role; there is a certaincorrelation between development of basketball training and competition, and personalorganization, the features of collective movement advantageous to cultivate the team spiritand cooperation consciousness, confrontational sports helps to train players fighting spirit andcharacter, athlete’s rapid response and flexible response depends on aperiodic; being engagedin basketball training and competition can be effective training and development of individualorganizations, five characteristics of basketball training (i.e. the system of technical andtactical game, complexity, uncertainty, physical confrontation, the flexibility of thinking), fivekinds of abilities (i.e., the overall plan ability, communication and coordination ability, theability to read the game, ability to adapt to the opponent’s ability, fast response), five kinds ofquality (i.e., team consciousness, cooperation spirit, will quality, psychological quality, culture, style), is closely related to the development of personal organization, and have a profoundimpact on it.In this thesis, the author has discussed the ways and methods to cultivate personalorganization and promoted the function of basketball in personal organization. The researchperspective and method have the enlightenment function of discovering the model innovationof developing the all-round personal qualities in physical education, which is expected toprovide some useful reference for the development of talents in the21st century.
Keywords/Search Tags:basketball, organizing ability, correlation
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