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Environmental Responsibility Of Coal Enterprises

Posted on:2015-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W R YangFull Text:PDF
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2009promulgated the " People’s Republic of China Circular Economy Promotion Law" for coal enterprises to develop recycling economy provides strong support for laws and policies that promote the law is a type of legal policy, principled strong, mainly understand the spirit of this law, and coal companies should pursue environmental responsibility in fulfilling the "Circular Economy Promotion Law " concept. Circular economy is essentially an ecological economy, its main goal is the efficient use and recycling of resources, in order to "reduce, reuse, recycle" principle. So that the entire economic system of matter and energy would have been reasonable and sustainable use, thereby greatly enhancing the efficiency of resource allocation to achieve energy, resources, ecological and environmental protection. Coal enterprises to vigorously develop the circular economy law, to solve the coal city, economy and ecology harmonious development of coal mining is important. From China’s energy situation, the development of coal resources in the country has a strong dependence on industry, coal resources are still in a very long period of time as the dominant energy production and the development of China’s industrial development of the country’s economic development significance of coal enterprises significant. But now due to coal resource development and overuse, facing serious environmental and ecological problems, which have become the bottleneck in coal enterprise development. Thus forcing the coal companies must build according to their regional characteristics of circular economy development system as soon as possible. The main effect of the economic cycle is guiding role, to protect the long-term development of coal enterprises of circular economy, needs to have a specific legal and policy system for escort.Environmental responsibility coal enterprises into legal responsibility and moral responsibility, its core are cleaner production. Legislation should focus on the core of the development of the former, the development of corporate environmental responsibility and coal mine closed after the clear provisions. We should face up to the coal companies missing the real environmental responsibility, particularly the responsibility of consciousness, one-sided pursuit of economic efficiency, social issues of human rights, livelihood, safety, environmental protection and other less attention, this requires coal companies to establish a correct concept of responsibility, improve corporate accountability. In order to achieve economic and social benefits of coal enterprises win-win goal, coal companies should focus on solving social problems more serious scarcity of resources, environmental pollution and other faces to form a good social atmosphere, to promote the harmonious development of society has a positive utility. Coal companies should be in the government’s guidance and positive guidance, the perfect establishment of recycling economy, and continuously improve environmental responsibility, at the same time, it should be through the establishment of environmental information disclosure system of coal enterprises, the establishment of coal enterprises to fulfill their environmental responsibilities incentive and guidance system, the establishment and improve the environmental restoration and strengthening of the coal deposit system for overseeing the implementation of corporate environmental responsibility and other measures to promote coal enterprises to fully perform its environmental responsibilities.From the meaning of coal enterprises to start environmental responsibility, and in-depth understanding of the content and features of corporate environmental responsibility, coal companies can develop their own content based on overall corporate environmental responsibility content requirements; secondly, analyzed the circular economy and environment of coal enterprises protection responsibilities between theoretical overview, explains today’s society, the development of recycling economy in coal enterprises can be sure to find the right way, with a strong necessity; once again analyzes the current situation of China’s coal enterprises to fulfill their environmental responsibilities, achievements and deficiencies, detrimental to the development of circular economy, so a solution should be sought as soon as possible; Finally, we should learn from foreign advanced legal system relating to coal enterprises, summed measures in five areas, to improve the environmental performance of China’s coal enterprises legal loopholes obligations arise.
Keywords/Search Tags:Coal Enterprises, Environmental Responsibility, Circular Economy, ExecutionImprovement
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