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Administrative Mediation System In Grass-roots Disputes

Posted on:2015-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M NieFull Text:PDF
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The concept of mediation originated in the policies of governance in ancient Chinese law. Since ancient times China was advocating reasoning rule. As early as the Western Zhou Dynasty, the local officials of the post had the rule of " redeployment ", which functions as a " Get together the peoples in difficult and harmonic division." Since then, the mediation system has been widespread, but until the Yuan Dynasty, the mediation officially put into law, after the Ming and Qing dynasties, the system maturing. In recent decades, with the founding of New China, China continue to improve the legal system, the development of administrative law experienced a relatively complete state to complete. However, the development of legislation and administrative law theory is still lacking.This article on the topic of Administrative Mediation System in Grass-roots Disputes. The article is divided into four parts. The first part is about the analysis of the theory of administrative mediation system, first an overview of administrative mediation system, to clarify the meaning of administrative mediation and elaborate concepts from theoretical analysis and specific problem. Secondly, it analyzes the characteristics of administrative mediation, including the special part of its institutional,about the nature and effectiveness.The second part of the article describes the significance and role of admi nistrative mediation system in the judicial practice, respectively, from the pro motion of a harmonious society; promoting the transformation of government functions, create meaning and role of the five specific aspects of the servic e system of government described the necessity of the system and the brig ht spot of the system.In the third part,the author of the article is trying to use first-hand information in the hands of the master, summed up the current status of administrative mediation system in the rural grassroots mediation, and thus analyze the problems of its existence, trying to be able to prescribe the right medicine in the text, to propose effectively solutions. The fourth part of the article is the key part of the text, mainly for the shortcomings and inadequacies demonstrated in the administrative mediation of rural grassroots, made valuable solutions. Including the need to harmonize legislation and regulations and improve the administrative mediation mechanism, improve the program, the precise scope and so on. While facing the defects and shortcomings of China’s rural administrative dispute settlement mechanism, we can not reject the entire system, but should exploring ways to make up for lack of perspective, and improve the whole mechanism, give full play to their strengths to achieve its function and value.
Keywords/Search Tags:grass disputes, administrative mediation, system lacking
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