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The Cancellation Liquidation Of Insurance Company

Posted on:2015-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L XieFull Text:PDF
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After being canceled, the insurance company shall be liquidated.However, there is no specific procedure of the Cancellation Liquidation ofthe insurance company in the present legislations. Also, it is not very clearabout many questions, for example, what is the relationship between thecancellation liquidation of the insurance company and the cancellationliquidation of other financial institutions. There is no enough legal studyon these issues. Therefore, it is very necessary to do the research on thecancellation liquidation of insurance company specifically.The introduction of this paper will illustrate the originality of the title,the innovation of this paper and the present study of the issue discussed inthis thesis. Then, specific questions will be focused. The first chapter willdiscuss the nature of the cancellation liquidation of insurance company. Inother words, whether cancellation liquidation can be an independentprocedure, and be equal to dissolution liquidation or bankruptcyliquidation. Chapter two will discuss the subject of the cancellationliquidation. The object of the cancellation liquidation will be illustrated inChapter three, and in chapter four, the specific procedure of thecancellation liquidation will be discussed. Many practices related to thecancellation liquidation of securities firms, credit unions, and trustcompanies will be good to serve it. In chapter five, who will take theresponsibility will be discussed. Finally, conclusion will be reached.In conclusion, the cancellation liquidation of the insurance companywill be realized at the lowest cost, with the greatest rewards. To make thisobject come true, the administrative nature of the cancellation liquidationof the insurance company will be emphasized based on two grounds, thenecessity and the limitation. Secondly, the relationship between thecancellation liquidation and other kinds of liquidations should be clear.There is no compulsive relationship between the cancellation liquidation and the dissolution liquidation. Thirdly, we can learn from the proceduresof the cancellation liquidation of other financial institutions. At the sametime, the cancellation procedure of the insurance company should have itsown characteristics, such as distinguished remedies. Finally, theresponsibility system related to the cancellation liquidation of insurancecompany should be improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Insurance company, Cancellation Liquidation, Supervisor
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