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A Study On The Popularization Of Mao Zedong’s Culture

Posted on:2015-02-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:O Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330428471729Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to the report delivered at the18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, socialist culture is clearly regarded as the blood of the Chinese nation and the spiritual home of the Chinese people. Socialist culture with Chinese features can not only greatly enriched the spiritual life of Chinese people, but also can enhance the Chinese cultural level. Thus, it is needed to vigorously strengthen the cause of Chinese socialist culture, attach great importance to its promotion, arm with the latest achievements of Chinese socialist culture and lead Chinese masses in order to provide a strong motivation and intellectual support for the realization of the Chinese Dream. The popularization of socialist culture is a significant measure to achieve the prosperity of Chinese socialist culture and serves as the key to the building of socialist culture with Chinese features.The popularization of Maoist culture refers to a series of thoughts put forward by Mao Zedong in the course of the promotion of Marxist cultural theories in the ideological and cultural fields of our party. It is viewed as the persistence and innovation of Marxist cultural theories and an important content to Maoist theories and the enhancement of ideological culture of our party. Mao Zedong’s life is a life of revolution, a life devoted to promoting the popularization of Marxism. He explored to promote the popularization of Marxism not only in the fields of philosophy, politics, economics, but also in cultural field, thus forming the main thoughts of popularization of Maoist culture, which effectively promoted the arrival of Chinese democratic revolution and the peak of socialist construction. In the new historical period, furthering the study of popularization of Maoist culture and absorbing useful experience is of great inspiration and value to smooth the progress of the popularization of contemporary Marxism in China.This paper consists of three parts, introduction, main body and conclusion included. Introduction is the first part, which focuses the significance of the study, current research at home and abroad, related research findings, the research methods and the innovations and so on. The second part is main body, which includes three chapters. The first chapter is main concerned on the theoretical basis, cultural basis and practical foundation to analyze the backbone of the popularization of Maoist culture; the second chapter mainly launched the study of the contents of popularization of Maoist cultural respectively from the perspective of the basic requirements of cultural popularization, the specific requirement of cultural popularization and the methodologies of cultural popularization; the third part, from the aspects of the grasp of cultural leadership issues, concerns for the real needs of the people and enhancing the promotion of cultural education, will analyze the enlightenments on the popularization of Maoist culture. The last part is conclusion. This section will succinctly summarize the main contents of the paper and give a brief explanation to the unrelated aspects.With the advance of the times and the development of history, recalling history can enlighten our wisdom and looking forward to the future can stimulate our pride and enthusiasm, In the course of passionate pursuit of the Chinese dream, it is our responsibility the history entrusted us and the calling of the times to deepen the study of the popularization of Maoist culture. From this aspect, it is of great significance and value to the further study of popularization of Maoist culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mao Zedong, popularization, cultural thoughts
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