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On Quality Management System Of Notary Orgatation

Posted on:2015-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D HaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330428463139Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A new round of public service unit reform is under way. Since thereform of notary organization into public service unit as legal person, thesystem construction of notary organization has been closely linked withpublic service unit reform. This article mainly discusses the establishmentof quality management system of notary organization on this occasion ofa new round of public service unit reform.This paper analyzes the existing problems of notary quality and thequality management system of notary organization through the angle oflaw and attempts to advance the construction of quality managementsystem of notary organization based on the experience of the QualityManagement. Given the needs of the argument in this paper, I havechosen a variety of research methods, such as literature research method,empirical analysis method and comprehensive analysis method.This article is divided into four parts. The first part is the generalinvestigation of the quality management system of notary organization. Inthis part, I define the connotation and denotation of notary quality firstlyand detail the reasons for selecting the expression of “qualitymanagement system of notary organization” after the analysis of similarconcept. Then I arrange the legal basis and system operation of qualitymanagement system of notary organization in our country. The secondpart discusses the existing problems of notary quality and the qualitymanagement system of notary organization through the angle of law. The third part points out the main reason for the problem of notary quality andthe quality management system of notary organization, includingimperfect legal basis, the lack of attention to the principles of systemconstruction, the lack of notary quality standards and the lack of securityand enforcement mechanism. The fourth part discusses the systemconstruction of quality management system of notary organization. Firstof all, I offer a proposal for perfecting the relevant laws and regulations.Then, I discuss the principles of construction of quality managementsystem of notary organization and the standards for notary quality. FinallyI discuss some key system of quality management system of notaryorganization and come to a conclusion that notary organization shouldgrasp the opportunity of public service unit reform and establish thequality management system.
Keywords/Search Tags:structural reform, notary quality, qualitymanagement
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