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On Territory Dispute Between Bahrain And Qatar From The Perspective Of International Law

Posted on:2015-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K S ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330428462923Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Throughout the international situation, the world has beenundergoing unceasing contradictions and frequent skirmishes and It’snot hard to find that most disputes stem from territorial disputes,as inthe case in territorial disputes between Bahrain and Qatar in theMiddle East for nearly half a century.Both located in the southwest of the interior Gulf, Bahrain is an islandcountry constituted by a main island and numerous islands while Qataris on the Arabian Peninsula. Due to the good location in the Gulf, the twocountries has always been the contention focus of the surrounding areasand Western forces. In the history, Bahrain and Qatar has been served asan administrative region dominated by forces of different periods. Drivenby oil interests and national independence, the two countries havebegun to take the path of independent. However, with the intervention byits original “protectorate”-the United Kingdom and other forces, theblurred boundaries of the territory were made more complex, leading thetwo countries’ dispute finally solved through multi-party politics andlegal system.The successful solution to the territorial dispute between Bahrainand Qatar not only wins a stable internal situation in the Gulf, but alsopromotes the internal stability and high efficiency of the GulfCooperation Council(GCC). Since the territorial dispute between Bahrain and Qatar involves land, islands, continental shelf, low tide, the exclusiveeconomic zone and all territorial-related issues. the settlement ofterritorial dispute between the two countries can yet be regarded as agood example for other countries to solve territorial disputes. in addition,the settlement of the territory dispute between Qatar and Bahrain showsprofound significance to the International Court of Justice, not onlyenhancing the status of ICJ, but also providing supplements andexamples for the provisions of international law.This paper is divided into five chapters, respectively explaining theorigin, process, settlement and historical significance of the dispute.The first chapter describes the history of Bahrain and Qatar and thesurrounding geography, as well as the origin of the dispute betweenthe two countries; the second chapter introduces the historicalprocess and the political settlement of the territorial dispute betweenBahrain and Qatar; the third chapter describes the advantages anddisadvantages of the dispute between the two countries; Chapter IVintroduces the process of the settlement of territorial disputesthrough legal means; the last chapter describes the significance andimpact of the territorial dispute settlement. Through the settlement ofterritorial dispute between Bahrain and Qatar, the characteristics andmechanisms of territorial disputes can be summed up, providing agood reference for the territorial dispute of other countries.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bahrain, Qatar, Territorial disputes
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