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Research On Our Insurance Companies’ Development Of Retirement Communities

Posted on:2015-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P YangFull Text:PDF
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Population aging in China is worsening,and will exist in the future for a longperiod of time,reflecting China’s huge pension demand.At the same time,the family ishard to bear the burden of the pension demand and the service of pension agencies isat a low level,which neither can meet gradually increasing pension demand.Supplyand demand of pension is in a serious imbalance.In this situation,more and morepeople pay attention and are planning to invest their funds in the pension communitiesbecause they Can meet different level of pension demand.Especially for lifeinsurance companies which has a large amount of idle funds.Now,government hasallowed Insurance company investing in real estate,as well as insurance companyhave a lot of problems including that return on investment is low,characteristics ofassets and liabilities do not match,So pension communities whose investing period isusually above ten years and is combined with real estate are becoming lifeinsurances’new focus.Insurance company investing in retirement community,on one hand,Can helpsolve retirement communities’problems of funds insufficiency and financingdifficulties,it call also improve the status of the pension communities’service systemthrough introducing professional persons and skills of life insurance companies;onthe other hand,it will help life insurance companies broaden the investmentchannels,increase investment in medium and long term project,as well as improvereturn on investment a11d make the structure of investment more steady.It can alsoexpand the chain of life insurance industry.This paper focuses on the insurance companies to invest in the pensioncommunity strategic choice to study this topic, the main contents are:The first chapter describes the background and significance of the topic, thecurrent research achievements, innovative features and on the point of this article.The second chapter introduces the concept of the advantages of retirementcommunities, investment background, investment sense, pension and insurancecompanies to invest in the community. The third chapter is to introduce domestic insurance companies to invest in thepension community cases. According to current models of different insurancecompanies to invest in detailing the Taikang Life, China Ping An and China Life’sinvestment patterns and business models, and three modes of analysis to evaluate.Second, also describes the status of other insurance companies operating pensioncommunity.The fourth chapter describes the operation of the international communityendowment experience. Includes three aspects: first, profit model U.S. pensioncommunity. Second, the United States experienced the pension communitydevelopment. Third, the experiences of Japanese pension community development.The fifth chapter analyzes the main problems faced by the insurance companiesto invest in retirement communities, followed by issue-specific strategies to specificanalysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pension community, Insurance company, Investment modesstrategy
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