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Discussion On Criminal Regulation For Food Safety Crimes

Posted on:2015-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X K LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, China faced a severe situation of food safety crimes which also causedmore and more damages. Criminal law, as a last bulwark of the whole society, should plays afundamental role in the fight against food safety crimes. But for a long time, our criminal lawon food safety crimes establishes a lighter punishment which is disproportionate andunbalanced to the damages it caused, we even can say that this unbalance sometimes aconsiderable degree of disorder. Making a deep study of criminal regulation on food safetycrime and perfect it in today’s social context, has a great theoretical significance andapplication value. This paper analyzes the status of China’s food safety criminal offense onpublic display by collecting and analyzing data related to recent academic perspective, theintegrated use of empirical analysis and logical deduction method from three parts of China’sfood safety problems were analyzed.The first part of the paper analyzes the food safety criminology theoretical concept,explains food safety analysis of the dangers of crime and its own characteristics, combinedwith relevant statistical data summarized the causes of such a crime, and analyticalbackground for food safety crimes, combing the categories of crime trends;The second part of the thesis explains the analysis China’s criminal law involving crimesof food safety regulation in depth. Including crime related to food safety and extend the basiccharges next constituent elements on counts including criminal subjects, criminal behaviorand subjective sin has done a detailed interpretation and analysis of the legal punishment ofcriminal law related charges, including the principal penalty and additional punishmentregulatory status quo;The third part of the paper analyses criminal law from the charges, constitute a crime andpunishment to other aspects of our current criminal regulation and proposed insufficient tomake an objective evaluation, by contrast with the extraterritorial criminal legislationproduced from the subject of crime, behavior and punishment to the criminal law aspects ofour food safety regulations crime proposed changes. Strict criminal law system, increase the punishment, starting from the legislative basis, related behaviors and related regulations byclarifying the main responsibility into strict punishment and make up the preparation of arigorous dragnet. By all this done, then we can say that criminal law now exert well in theprocess of fight crime and protect the legal interests.
Keywords/Search Tags:Food safety, Crimes, Criminal Regulation, Integrity
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