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Of Duty Crime Housing Units

Posted on:2014-11-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330422952640Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Duty crime in the process of housing demolition stops our country fromdeveloping healthily and rapidly and great importance from all levels of governmenthas been attached to this problem. To put the government’s rural and urban developingstrategies into effect, finding effective ways of preventing and fighting against dutycrime in housing demolition becomes an urgent task of this era. The boom of housingdemolition all over the China leads to the high rate of duty crime in housingdemolition. To deal with this problem, the thesis investigates the relevant theories andproblems of housing demolition based on the general theories of duty crime andhousing demolition cases in China. This thesis can be divided into three parts:The first part gives a brief introduction of housing demolition and duty crimeand defines the relevant theories based on the collected information and cases ofduty crime in house demolition. This part also sums up the characteristics and socialharms of duty crime in the process of house demolition. This part lays a basis for thethe theme of the whole thesis and serves as a support to the reasons and suggestionswhich are analyzed in the following parts.The second part analyses the reasons that cause duty crime in the process ofhousing demolition: first of all, the inharmonious development of society and thecomplexity of the house demolition are two basic reasons of duty crime in the housingdemolition. Secondly, the present author analyses the reason of duty crime in housingdemolition by exposing some social illnesses such as the unreasonable relationshipbetween the collective rights and individual rights, the collusion between governmentand businessmen and the imperfect of the supervision system and so on; the thirdreason is the lag on the construction of legal system on duty crime in housingdemolition.The third part of this thesis are some suggestions on how to prevent duty crime inhousing demolition. Starting from using political policies to guide and adjusting therelationship between collective rights and individual rights, the present author tries toroot out the cause of duty crime in housing demolition. Besides, an overall supervision mode which covers both the masses and the administrative authority isnecessary in preventing duty crime in housing demolition. In terms of legalconstruction, the present author put forward many suggestions ranging fromlegislation to law enforcement.
Keywords/Search Tags:housing demolition, duty crime, overall supervision
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