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Analysis Of Our Constitution On The National Customs Regulations

Posted on:2014-08-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L S LinFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China is a multi-ethnic country and a political community which is composed of56nationalities. In the long-term process of historical development, various nationalities formed their own unique culture, and work together to create a colorful Chinese culture.National customs and traditions are an important part of national culture and reflect nation’s characteristics.They are expressed in clothing, food, housing, transportation and so on.They reflect a nation’s historical traditions, lifestyle, mode of production and psychological feelings.Therefore, each nation cherishes its own customs.Different peoples, as various historical, cultural and religious factors have special customs and courtesy.There are differences, there will be conflicts and problems.Therefore, after the founding of New China, the party and the country attached great importance to this issue,The Common Programme and four constitution, all stipulate clearly. The Constitution stipulates the right of national customs and traditions,it is not only a manifestation of China’s policy of national equality, but also a regulation of the processing of the national affairs concerning the nationalities and its implementation directly concerns national stability and national solidarity, so it has great significance. At first, this paper illustrates the basis and the meaning of the constitution. Respecting and protecting the rights of ethnic customs and habits,is not only respect our national conditions,but also handle national questions properly.Secondly, from the point of view of the text of the Constitution,this article analyzes the relevant provisions of the Constitution of1982meticulously,specially its subject and nature.I hope this article can do a favor for us to form a deep understanding of the right and ensure the accurate implementation of the constitution.In our country, the Constitution needs to be carried out by ordinary laws. Therefore, this article finally discusses the legal protection system of the right,according to its legislation protection and judicial protection.I hope this article can do a favor for us to enhance the protection of national customs right.
Keywords/Search Tags:National customs, Constitution, Preserve, Reform
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