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Security Research Integrity Inspection Chinese Communist Party Officials

Posted on:2014-07-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330398999080Subject:Foreign political system
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
To befit of the situation of the nation and the party during the new forms, andto strengthen inner-party supervision, Communist Party of China set up inner-partyperambulating System formally after a series of theory and practice exploring since1996, with referencing useful experience of ancient Chinese perambulatory systemand good practices of foreign similar system. It is the sign that “The partys central,provincial, autonomous regions’ and municipalities’ Committees carry outPerambulating System” was written to Party Constitution eventually on the partys17th Convention.Based on the theory of Institutional Corruption Prevention, to analyze thecurrent situation of patrol officer’s Integrity protection. Found that the developmentof Chinas patrol officer’s Integrity protection mechanism are comparatively laggingbehind, Mainly includes the following Three-point, focus only on ideologicaleducation while ignoring the interests of security, more concerned about thesubsequent punishment to the neglect of prevention, Government attaches greatimportance to the lack of public participation. The main causes of this situation lies inthe lack of understanding of patrol officials and security problems of importance,thus ignoring the patrol officials benefit demand, lack of effective measures ofprevention, education and punishment in the system. But probity extent patrolofficials also greatly affect the effectiveness of the inspection system, therefore, thereform of Chinas patrol officials and perfect guarantee mechanism is a major realisticproblem urgently to be solved. In this paper, on the base of Chinas ancient inspectionsystem and foreign administrative ombudsman system, using the system to preventcorruption theory to security patrol officials fund independent, establish the rewardsand punishment strictly incentive mechanism, so as to ensure the effectiveness ofinspection system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Patrol System, Integrity protection, Institutional CorruptionPrevention Theory
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