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Phenomenon Of Bartok Piano Music

Posted on:2015-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J N ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330428959213Subject:Music Culture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Bartok as distinguished twentieth-century Hungarian composer, pianist,ethnomusicologist, emotion in his music has always been to Hungary profoundhistorical and cultural traditions of heritage, distinctive Hungarian folk music asthe basis of its music both rooted in Hungarian folk music traditions, again thehighest achievements of Western classical composition techniques and musicalmother tongue and motherland spirit of the times combined to form a uniqueBartok ’s unique style of music.In this paper, through the music of Bartok its mentality of mutualcontemplation and external form of music composed hook theoretical logic of thissituation,"Le personality" to the phenomenon of cultural phenomena studied, inorder to achieve a point to face scrutiny complete the social roots and academicbreakthroughs of the20th century modern Western music drip formedunderstanding, and thus draw their own postgraduate studies on a small period,it can be considered on their own academic " than vertex " another attempt.Articles in the structural arrangement is divided into four parts: from Bartok ’s lifeand artistic career retrospective to the musical style of Bartok research on socialcauses in turn formed Bartok writing style cultural studies conducted last Bartokmusic for aesthetic characteristics were studied. In this paper, reference literatureand theoretical analysis of macro research methods, in conjunction with theirtheoretical knowledge and practical performance micro-cultural analysis.Especially through the analysis of piano works in each period compositionaltechniques and performance aspects of the work from the harmony, melody andrhythm Probe into their creative features and style, in order to detect Bartok’smusic in the country ’s folk music material but also creatively enhancepersonalized music composer how universal language of music manifested in theworks to inspect a breakthrough concept in order to develop new understandingof the meaning of Bartok’s music in contemporary theoretical level, and thus leadto Pakistan examine and ponder Tok music values, as IELTS Jaspers said: ourTime to make human life has the breadth and depth of change, and therefore themost profound sense. So, I look forward to passing on the experience of writing and playing, happy to be able to understand the works of Bartok provide peoplewith a useful and practical help sort out the text.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bartok, piano music, music phenomenon
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