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Ming Dynasty Village Ritual Research

Posted on:2015-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G L CaiFull Text:PDF
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China is called "the country of rites" since ancient times, the etiquette culture of which can trace back to remote ages. Among all the rites, the ceremony of drinking is spectacular. The rite, which is carried out by the ancient governments, goes back to the ancient times. Besides, because it is a Confucius rite, each government paid much attention to the ceremony. As a result, the symbolic function of the ceremony of drinking strengthens the autocratic centralization of state power.In the Ming dynasty, the symbolic function of the ceremony of drinking and the social changes are firmly connected. By expounding an example, I analyze the relations between the symbolic function of the ceremony of drinking and the social changes. On one hand, it shapes the society. By relieving people’s mind, it is good to the society and country. On the other hand, the rite and the symbolic function are determined by the society. In the early years of Ming dynasty, the ceremony is conducted on time. In the middle and later of Ming dynasty, because of the development of commerce, the secularization of drinking ceremony is becoming increasingly obvious. Treasure and power have become the social standards, and the symbolic function can not reflect any more. With the end of the imperial age, the status of Confucianism declines, and the political function of the drinking ceremony disappears as well.
Keywords/Search Tags:The drinking ceremony, Ming society, Rite
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