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On "Jingyi Inadvertently" In The Use Of Oil Painting

Posted on:2014-07-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z P LiuFull Text:PDF
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Jingyi, casual feeling throughout the whole process of oil paintings. It may be that the creation is the creator of the subjective sense, strong or not strong, or or a subjective performance. Perhaps each painting Creators different feel, but "inadvertently, accidentally," more or less affect each painting creators, and even a painting.Oil painting in the history of China’s development is not very long, but it has already become the main force of China’s expression of drawing. In learning painting these years, is not difficult to find, researcher, Individually change. Oil painting from the18th century, under the impact of the multiple factors of social, cultural, science and technology, with a big change. More genres, more thinking, richer creative, more profound and affect the broader theory, flourishing. Visible oil painting has a certain influence in the development of our country, and the integration of Chinese and Western painting will form a larger art scene, global paintings promising.Currently, more painting colors, the language of painting, drawing form. Oil Painting Research. Relative focus on large oil paintings, painting theory, the related paintings academic. In recent years, due to various reasons, the study of Chinese and Western painting contrast, Chinese and Western painting Contact ideological differences of Chinese and Western painting, Western painting techniques relations more. Fresh "Jingyi, inadvertently" in the oil paintings to be looked at.This article will be "inadvertently, casual use as the starting point in the painting, roughly" Jingyi, inadvertently "to collect material impact oil paintings," inadvertently, accidentally, oil painting ideas ideas,"Jing-yi, inadvertently "oil painting techniques," inadvertently inadvertently affect the form of painting in the creation Jingyi, casual tone impact on the creation, inadvertently inadvertently affect the creative subject and author of "Jing-yi, inadvertently influence in the creation of the Summary be explored."Inadvertently, accidentally," oil paintings, in the current view, few people, relatively speaking, is a relatively new subject, new research, new research ideas. Which is why the aspects involved in little open question is more difficult to find, the reference range is limited bibliography. Therefore, the text related to the ideas, thoughts, ideas, content basically from I personally think, create, believe that "inadvertently, accidentally," the oil paintings researchers will increasingly. This article aims to provide a reference for the future study of the researchers in this area to provide a new perspective for future researchers.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Jing-yi、Carelessly", Oilpainting, Use
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