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Doris Lessing Novel Heterogeneous Culture

Posted on:2014-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330425953394Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Doris Lessing is a legend with complex experience as well as the oldest Nobel Prize winner for Literature. She grew up at Africa it her youth and migrated to her homeland, the Britain, in the middle age, so she owns double cultural backgrounds. Shocked by heterogeneous cultures, Lessing experiences huge difference either in political conviction, religious cult, language culture and folk customs or in economic structure and political power. Her novels depict heterogeneous culture clash, communication and integration and she always ponders over the questions that how to confront heterogeneous culture clash and establish positive dialogue among heterogeneous cultures.Lessing’s sensitive concern about heterogeneous cultures caters to development tendency of world’s culture tide. Along with rapid development of science and technology and means of communication, people from different races, nationality and culture live side by side so that heterogeneous culture clash and communication reach an all time high. As a writer with humanitarian spirit and high sense of social responsibility, she often reflects the heterogeneous culture problem in her works. The research will sort out heterogeneous culture traits reflected in Lessing’s novels and make analysis of the questions that why the clash happen and how she identifies those heterogeneous cultures in the expectation that Lessing creation can be further understood from the literature angle and the practical significance of heterogeneous culture in her novels can be unveiled in the view of the culture.The research consists of four parts:In the first chapter, the introduction part gives an account of Doris Lessing’s life and creation situation, research status about Lessing’s novels at home and abroad and the significance of the topic.The second chapter focuses on the deep reasons of Lessing’s concern about heterogeneous culture in her novels and makes analysis of them by combination with her complex life experience and thoughts.The third chapter dependents on the actual text, rule of time and logical laws to analyze heterogeneous culture in Lessing’s novels.The fourth chapter pays close attention to Lessing’s attitude to heterogeneous culture, analyzes Lessing’s identity anxiety under the background of heterogeneous culture, discusses its reasons and then expounds how to treat the heterogeneous culture problem with humanitarian spirit.The last part emphasizes that what the paper author learns from Lessing’s attitude to heterogeneous culture and how the author looks forward to the present and future of heterogeneous culture communication.
Keywords/Search Tags:Doris lessing, Heterogeneous culture, Humanitarianism, Identity
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