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Fu Bao Zhao Studied

Posted on:2014-12-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H N YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330425467347Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Bau Zau,a famous writer in Song period of the Southern Dynasty. He,Xie Lingyun andYan Yanzhi were called "Three great literary masters of YuanJia period". Most of theresearches on Bau Zau’s works were focused on his poetries, and few of them on Bau Zau’sother works, especially his fu works. The studies of Bau Zau’s fu mainly concentrated onsome single articles such as "Wucheng Fu", and very few studies on other fu articles. Focuson the analysis of a single article can not fully explain the writer’s thought and style embodiedin the works, which undoubtedly impair the integrity of the research on Bau Zau’s fu.This paper put Bau Zau’s fu as the object of the study, and designed to explore theoverall artistic features and the achievements. This paper will use the existing researches onsingle fu articles for reference and will take a combination of single post analysis with theoverall study. The paper mainly discusses three questions: the artistic features of Bau Zau’s fu,the subjects of Bau Zau’s fu and the inheritance and innovation of Bau Zau’s fu.This paper includes five parts: The Introduction, Chapter one, Chapter two, Chapterthree and the Conclusion. The introductory section will briefly introduces the researches onBau Zau and his fu since twentieth century and indicating the significance of this paper. Thefirst chapter analyzes the two main themes of Bau Zau’s fu and is divided into two parts: BauZau’s lyric fu and Bau Zau’s Yongwu fu. Chapter two is divided into three sections and willexplore the artistic features of Bau Zau’s fu. Chapter three is divided into two sections: theinheritance of Bau Zau’s fu and the innovation of Bau Zau’s Fu. The Epilogue will brieflysummaries the achievements of the paper, and pointed out the shortcomings in the paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bau Zau’s Fu, Subjects, Artistic Features, Inheritance, Innovation
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