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Study Deng Xiaoping 's National Cultural Security

Posted on:2014-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330425456336Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
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In modern times, economic globalization will not only promote the national economy, politics, culture, etc in the field of communication, and make "non-traditional security" is increasingly highlighted. National cultural security as an important part of non-traditional security, get the attention of the academia more and more. Deng xiaoping in leadership in the process of reform and opening up and socialist modernization in China, to form the national cultural security. This paper is divided into five parts:The first part:elaborated the national cultural security theory basic content. On the connotation of national culture security, national culture security feature, national culture security status and facing the present national culture security problem was analyzed.The second part:analysis of the social and historical conditions of national cultural security thought of Deng xiaoping. Deng xiaoping’s thought about national culture security is agitate a challenge in the face of the different culture and cultural hegemony and cultural imperialism, the challenge of era background, in the process of China’s reform and opening up the socialist ideological and ethical construction weakened, Chinese traditional culture has been called into question the domestic background, in the inheritance and development of Mao zedong’s thinking on national cultural security, as well as the enlightenment to other countries to maintain national culture security under the condition of forming.The third part:to reveal the main contents of Deng xiaoping’s thoughts on the national culture security. First, points out that to strengthen the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, strengthen the socialist national cultural soft power. Mainly includes Deng xiaoping put forward the general requirements of socialist spiritual civilization construction, stressing the need to adhere to the guiding position of marxism, stressed that to uphold and carry forward the Chinese nation excellent culture tradition. Second, developing the economy, constructing the economic foundation of national culture security. Mainly includes enhanced economic strength to maintain national culture security provides a solid backing, the development of socialist market economy to provide fundamental economic means to safeguard national cultural security. Third, manages concertedly, using a variety of means to jointly safeguard national cultural security. Mainly includes strengthening education and legal system construction, and all kinds of non-marxist thoughts and genres resolute struggle, draw lessons from history experiences and lessons to maintain national culture security, etc.The fourth part:the paper analyses the characteristics of Deng xiao-ping’s thoughts on the national culture security. Deng xiaoping’s thoughts of national cultural security has the scientific nature, strategic, nationality and openness.The fifth part:reveals the significance of Deng xiaoping’s thought about national culture security. Theory of Deng xiao-ping’s thoughts on the national culture security significance mainly embodied in the development of Mao zedong’s theory of national cultural security, started the Chinese characteristic socialist culture security theory, enrich the scientific system of Deng xiaoping theory. Practical significance embodied in Deng xiaoping’s thoughts on the national culture security is beneficial to firm confidence of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, and have to deal with the culture of one yuan dominated and variety of relations, to improve culture soft power of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deng Xiaoping, National cultural security, Thought
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