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Talking About The Significance Of Animal Images In Sculpture

Posted on:2014-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChaiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sculpture is a product of what happens in a sculptor inner world. Animal imagecombined with the characters always has the time feeling, use works to reflect thehistory of an era or the related events, from internal and external sculpture can seespecial meaning expressed by the animals and the character image, whetherrepresentational or abstract, traditional or contemporary, many sculptures householdhighly precise modelling techniques, makes combination fits well. Manycontemporary female artists in the advantage of itself as a sculptor, his creation fromthe Angle of female thinking, convey the artist concern for animals and people of akind of thinking, and gives the internal spirit of meaning, and interpreting product dolet us to re-examine the inherent to two relations, we use another kind of thinking withfocus on living creatures and human nature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Animals, Human body, Female artists meaning, Contact
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