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Practical Chinese Ceramic Art "Class Jade" Texture Research

Posted on:2014-11-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330401466694Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Texture, is a language of design, widely used in the design field. Ceramic texture is unique, Both visual perception and can be tactile perception. Due to the practical day-to-day practical function of the ceramic, practical ceramic texture have a stronger visual, tactile one of the characteristics. To imitate the texture of a material to another material in the production of grain. Practical ceramic art texture of other materials mimic the exposition, the introduction of the concept of natural texture and artificial texture are discussed. Chinese Practical ceramic art class jade texture is natural texture, but also to imitate the natural texture of jade material. Chinese Practical of Ceramic Art to imitate the texture of jade material, that is, the variable characteristics of the natural texture of the ceramic material.Chinese practical ceramic art texture for the pursuit of "jade texture, is affected by the unique Chinese culture jade culture. Departure from the five virtues of jade were discussed in the pursuit of practical ceramic art texture texture "Jade". Glass light "to" butter light changes from green glazed porcelain; Celadon glaze by thin to thick glaze changes and porcelain carcass of a semi-permeable; Pottery to porcelain carcass changes;Ceramic texture tactile Comfort pursuit; The Chinese Yixing texture "Jade" pursuit; These five areas are discussed. Meanwhile, the unique play from China, including pulp departure to talk about after the completion of the artifacts use to continue the pursuit of "Jade" texture.Chinese practical ceramic art texture for the texture of the pursuit of the "Jade", you can see the unique culture of Chinese ceramic creation activities. In this one contains a harmony with nature, respect for nature concept. For modern design, especially in the modern ceramic design has a profound inspiration. In the design of products industrialization, thousands of side products. Able to fully comply with the material properties and discover the many possibilities of the material, thus enriching the face of modern ceramic design products. The same time, from the play, including the pursuit of the time dimension of the pulp nature trails, to be used as a rich modern ceramic design products look favorable factors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Texture, Chinese practical ceramic art, like jade, natural, artificial
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