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Prosperity Or Astray

Posted on:2013-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330398995307Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Special modern course of development makes the path ofdevelopment of Chinese painting is a rather convoluted tradition ofConfucianism and Taoism in the face of Western science and technologycan no longer realistic natural superiority of modern times, the people ofWestern science and technology have given rise tointerest. In the field ofChinese painting, the traditional control of the traditional method, theattention of the ink and literati for the comment field, coupled withadvanced science and technology on behalf of Western realism paintingsfor domestic attention in the field of Chinese painting has undergoneenormous changes. Get rid of long-standing and the introduction ofWestern realism factor has become one of the important changes containsportraits of modern Chinese painting as well as the overall art.Save the nation and the historical responsibility to make the literati,intellectuals expect to arouse more people’s awakening to its own force,and realism will be timely has been a natural development. Stresses thecriticism and reflection of realism in the needs of the real struggle hasbeen extremely rapid development, and Yam Chak, administrative andideology to become a national selection and mutation as a romantic realiststyle, which in the twentieth century, such forms of Chinese figurepainting increasingly showed the unique realism and romantic features.Strong executive power not only enable romantic realism to occupythe highest position in the revolutionary era, but also so that it occupies amodern and contemporary mainstream status in the administrative inertia,and impact so far. If the original revolutionary form, the struggle, peopleappreciate the level of underground for the development of realistic/romantic realism portraits provide a natural soil, then; so modern and contemporary romantic realism still occupy a mainstream phenomenonhas been able to exist, it is subjective choice of the executive power andthe demand for modern and contemporary art is still at a relatively lowstatus of both the combined effects of the results.Despite the official support from the official show for contemporarycreative activities, romantic realism style is still the mainstream style ofofficial appreciation and recognition, but with the people by raising thelevel of education for the enhancement of spiritual and cultural desire, thepublic needs gradually diversified as well as the capabilities ofself-tasting, romantic realism will eventually no longer in the mainstreamposition. The same time, the internal characteristics of the Chinese figurepainting, good performance rather than reproduction, longer than spiritualexpression rather than the reality portrayed is also the main attraction ofthe Chinese figure painting, so the future development of Chinese figurepainting will be more diversified and prosperity, rather than under theauspices of ideology such as the previous official show for a unified look.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese Portraits, Realism, Romantic Realism, Present
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