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"Winesburg, Ohio" In The Search To Explore The Motif

Posted on:2014-04-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330398499525Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the mere mention of American writers of the twentieth century, people’s firstthought is often literary giant Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, Saul? Bellow, etc.,while Sherwood Anderson actually is the predecessor of these great masters whoprofoundly affected them,"The father of our generation writers " is the title of honorthat William Faulkner gave him. Andersons literary achievements is mainlymanifested in modernity beyond the age in his work, which enabled him to become apathfinder and pioneer of American modernist fiction, laid a great special status inthe history of American literature.In this paper, the Andersons famous short story collection “Winesburg,Ohio” isthe object of analysis. The characters in the book has been known as confused,paradoxical, and weird freak by critic, but from a new angle in this paper-"Pursuit"motif, I will re-explore the number of characters in the town in the plight ofstruggling and efforts of determining themselves and analyse the behavior ofcharacters and its hidden meanings discovering the valuable pursuing spirit ofgrotesques. As one of the enduring Western Literature motif,“Pursuit” embodies thecontinuous human spirit and the courage to open up a great manifestation, it showsthe human revolt of their own surroundings.“Pursuit” motif contains those thatcharacters search for specific purposes, ideal whereabouts and hero in the spiritualquest of exploration search for the loss of self, seeking the true value.“Pursuit” ofpeople who is in the novel “Winesburg,Ohio” is mainly embodies the tough explorein the spirit. By close reading, I get a conclusion that Anderson designs differentpursuing goals according to the different situations and gender temperament of thecharacters in the novel, combined with previous research on Andersons work. Thispursuing goals, value and significance not only commonly reflect universal humananxious and struggling, but also the spiritual care of the human mind.Full-text consists of introduction, text and epilogue. The text was divided intofour chapters, the first chapter mainly discusses the background of grotesquespursuing. The second, third and forth chapter respectively discusses pursuing goal of the abnormal people, namely, the lost the love,the gods salvation and the harmonyof man and nature. The introduction mainly introduces Sherwood Anderson, thecurrent research status of “Winesburg,Ohio” and the main argument and researchsignificance. Epilogue part, first of all summarizes the significance and limitations ofpursuing of grotesques. Secondly, it will discusse the impact and role of my paper’sresearch on "Pursuit" motif of “Winesburg,Ohio”.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pursue, Lost the love, God, Harmony
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