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Research Questions Structure Refers Back

Posted on:2014-03-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330398499217Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper studies the syntactic, semantics and pragmatic features of theinterrogative structure that included anaphor, and studies the impetuses andmechanism of structure. In addition to study visits and comments, the status of otherresearch, this total is divided into five sections.The first chapter studied the syntactic and pragmatic features of “Zen me ge”structure from the synchronic plane, divided it into “Zen me ge1”and “Zen mege2”according to the character of “X” and if there’s an anaphor. Preliminary discussthe differences of their sources and syntactic features, and the different process ofgrammaticalization.In chapter2,we described the syntactic, semantics and pragmatic of thestructure “shui shuo X” from the synchronic, and studied the impetuses andmechanism during the curing process of the structure.?The “X” in the structuremostly is the quoted content, coursed by the function that combined with theinterrogative function from “shui” and the expression function from “shuo”. Somostly there’s a anaphor in the above text. In the echo context, as the speakersfocus from asking a transfer to the attention of the discourse content itself,“shuishuo X” gradually developing the function that with doubt, retort and negation, The“shui shuo X " has spawned a table of negation and refute significance ofsolidification structure by continuous use.Chapter3, we described the syntactic and the semantics of the structure “na lishi X” from the synchronic, and investigated the different negative impetuses and theevaluation of position, and described the function of the pragmatic.According to thespeakers intention,the negative nature of the structure can be divided into twocategories: pragmatic negation and negation.The meaning of the structure is “Bu shiX”,while there are some differences between them.?We described it from theexpected angle and emotional expression functions.Chapter4, we described the structure of the echo “Shen me jiao X” from thesynchronic plane. And investigated the negative and pragmatic functions.From the negative content, it includes the negation of the reference,allegations,propositionand modality. From the pragmatic function, While the speaker to say a sentenceusing the structure of “Shen me jiao X”, he also implement a speech act at the sametime. It main includes criticism and censure、taunt and irony, complain anddissatisfied.Chapter5, through the investigation and analyses on case study of the fourindividual cases, we make a summary about the common features of the structure.Then analyzes the semantics and pragmatic features and the impetuses andmechanism of the interrogative structure that included anaphor.
Keywords/Search Tags:anaphoric, interrogative structure, impetuses and mechanism
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