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Research On The Relationship Between Climate And Multiple Risk Factors TCM Acute Coronary Syndrome

Posted on:2015-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W T YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2264330428974612Subject:Chinese medical science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:In recent years, cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality in our country showed a gradual upward trend, increasing with the population levels of cardiovascular disease risk factors in the incidence of acute cardiovascular elevated. The main risk factors for cardiovascular disease are hypertension, dyslipidemia, impaired glucose metabolism, obesity, smoking, lack of exercise and stress. TCM combined analysis of patients with multiple risk factors for acute coronary syndrome climate features that will help clinical intervention. This study attempts to observe the relationship between acute coronary syndromes and multiple risk factors syndrome, acute coronary syndrome and thus recognize multiple risk factors combined syndrome characteristics and provide a theoretical basis for early intervention, further guidance on the clinical diagnosis and treatment of patients with a certain type of group.Methods:Patients in this study were derived from April2013to December2013at the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Dongzhimen Hospital outpatient and cardiovascular wards, were included111patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), in which98cases of unstable angina (UA), acute a total of13cases of myocardial infarction, acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)8cases of acute non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) in5cases.111patients were collected through questionnaires history, the specific content includes:chief complaint, history of present illness, past history, personal history, family history, clinical symptoms, the height, weight and other physical and chemical examination. Diagnostic criteria:diagnosis of unstable angina refer to "unstable angina diagnosis and treatment recommendations,"2007Chinese Medical Society of Cardiology Council formulated, non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction, ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction diagnostic reference Medical Society of Cardiology in2010to develop a "diagnosis and treatment of acute myocardial infarction guidelines." TCM syndrome diagnostic criteria:Reference2012"Chinese Journal of Medicine" published in "Coronary Heart Disease Diagnostic Criteria (draft)", and the May1986National Integrative Deficiency Disease Research and Professional Committee elderly revised "TCM deficiency syndrome reference standards." Data analysis to establish a database with EPidata3.1, after the application of rigorous audit SPSS19.0statistical software for data analysis, the use of frequency count data, mean±standard deviation (x±s) said measurement data, compare, using the x2test.Results:1.The study found concentrated in ACS patients aged50-79years old, sick people under the age of50male-dominated7.2%of the total number of cases50-59,60-69-year-old male patient population was more than women (P<0.05); while women aged70-79vulnerable to disease (P<0.05) than men.2.ACS patients are overweight/obese population up to86.49%, and concentrated in the age60-69, more men than women, but over70years old are overweight/obesity in women than in men (P<0.05).3.Unstable angina was significantly higher than the prevalence of acute myocardial infarction, unstable angina pectoris male58cases, accounting for59.2%, female40cases, accounting for40.8%, male and female prevalence was no difference (P>0.05); ST segment elevation myocardial infarction in men (75%) than women (25%), the proportion of men suffering from STEMI than women (P<0.05), but not ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction in women (60%) than men (40%), the proportion of women than men suffer from NSTEMI(P<0.01).4.Syndromes of111cases of ACS patients, according to the proportion of low order:guilty, blood stasis, qi deficiency, liver deficiency, wind syndrome、 sputum syndrome、hot syndrome、yin deficiency, lung deficiency syndrome, kidney deficiency, yang deficiency, blood deficiency syndrome, stomach deficiency, spleen deficiency. Which documents seven cases, two-phase syndrome and59cases, and32cases with three certificates, and13cases with four cards, two cards and three-phase and phase syndrome and the most common syndromes are guilty qi and blood stasis、qi and blood stasis. More common in overweight and obese patients Deficiency Syndrome、sputum syndrome (P<0.05).59years old three-vessel disease in patients with ACS compared with the incidence of60-69, the small ACS patients over70years old. ACS patients with hypertension is more common liver deficiency、wind syndrome, common in diabetic patients with ACS guilty and Yin deficiency syndrome, common in patients with dyslipidemia qi, blood stasis, sputum syndrome.5.UA group of common heart qi and blood stasis, STEMI group common Yang Deficiency. ACS patients with three-vessel disease in the heart deficiency and a larger proportion of blood stasis. Deficiency Syndrome and women are different. Qi deficiency syndrome, syndrome Deficiency Syndrome is the most common type of all people49years of age is often accompanied by phlegm,50-69-year-old is often accompanied by blood stasis syndrome, patients over the age of70, often accompanied by wind syndrome.Conclusion:1. The prevalence of ACS concentrated in the age50-79years old, more men than women.2.ACS patients with multiple combined overweight and obesity.3. UA is a common type of ACS, the prevalence was no difference between men and women.The proportion of men than women suffer STEMI,NSTEMI proportion of women than men suffer from.4.Syndromes often occur in patients with ACS is blood stasis,liver deficiency、wind syndrome is more common when patients with hypertension,heart yin deficiency is more common when diabetes, Qi deficiency、 blood stasis syndrome and sputum syndrome when common.5.UA group of common heart qi and blood stasis, STEMI group common Yang Deficiency.
Keywords/Search Tags:acute coronary syndrome, TCM Syndrome, multiple riskfactors
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