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Features And Factors Study 56 Cases Of Elderly Patients With Early Diabetic Nephropathy Syndromes Distribution

Posted on:2015-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2264330428974611Subject:Chinese medical science
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Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a glomerulosclerosis caused by glue ose metabolism, and is the most common complication of diabetes,the incidence rate of20%to40%[1]. In China, diabetic nephropathy is the second common cause of end-stage renal disease after glomerular di sease.With an aging population, elderly patients with diabetes have nearly50%of patients with diabetes[2]. Combined with the gradual de cline in the elderly physiological kidney function, The incidence of elderly diabetic nephropathy is very high in patients with diabete s.Diabetic nephropathy is a gradual progression of the disease, earl y diabetic nephropathy can be reversed. The active intervention of Early diabetic nephropathy and treatment can help prevent and delay the incidence of ESRD.In the diagnosis and treatment based on trad itional Chinese medicine, the treatment of diabetic nephropathy is s ignificant.But so far, the research literature on pathogenesis, Synd romes distribution characteristics and treatment of the elderly ear1y diabetic nephropathy is less, and lack of broad consensus.This study collected56cases of medical records of elderly pat ients with early diabetic nephropathy, in order to explore its syndr omes distribution characteristics and syndromes related factors.[Objective] Analyze and summarize the elderly early diabetic nephrop athy general information, clinical symptoms, tongue and pulse and ph ysical and chemical test results etc, to explore the syndromes distr ibution characteristics and related factors of old early diabetic n ephropathy, and further enrich the syndromes science research and in formation of elderly early diabetic nephropathy.[Method]Collected general and clinical data of56cases of elderly patients with early diabetic nephropathy from the hospitalized pati ents in TCM ward, which from Ministry of Health Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine during January2011to February2014. E stablish a database using SPSS19.0statistical software to statisti cal the distribution of gender, disease duration, body mass index, complications, the frequency of main symptoms, tongue and pulse, the distribution of the main syndromes and the complicated syndrome, an alysis the relationship of syndromes with sex, course of disease, bo dy weight index, complications and physical and chemical indicators. Which count data the chi-square(x2) tes t, measurement data were expre ssed as mean±standard deviation, using variance test, P<0.05is con sidered statistically significant.[Result]①The proportion of men and women in this study of56case of elderly patients with early diabetic nephropathy was essentiall y flat.The duration of diabetes of all patients is more than five y ears, mostly concentrated in the10-19years, followed by20-29years. The majority of patients (approximately75%)of body weight is overwe ight or obese.②All patients are combined with diabetic retinopath y, and57.1%in diabetic retinopathy I,76.8%of diabetic peripheral neuropathy,66.1%with diabetic peripheral vascular di sease.③The p ercentages of combining with hypertension disease, coronary heart di sease, cerebrovascular disease, dyslipidemia are85.7%,37.5%,30.4%,69.6%.④The maximum frequency of clinical symptoms is fatigue (69.6%), followed by dry mouth(57.1%), polydipsia (48.2%), limb numbness (48.2%), frequent ur inat ion (42.9%), blurred vi s ion (41.1%), nocturia(41.1%), edema (28.6%);The maximum frequency of tongue is dark, purple, petechiae, ecchymosis (55.3%), followed by red (35.7%), pale, white(32.1%), pink (25.0%); The maximum frequency of tongue appears is thin, white, are53.6%, followed by yellow, greasy, accounted for19.6%, less moss, no moss, accounted for16.1%;The maximum frequency of pul se is chord (67.9%), followed by fine (50.0%), sliding (33.9%), Shen (17.9%), astringent (7.1%), the number (5.4%).⑤In the main syndromes, qi and yin deficiency is accounted for69.6%, followed by the defici ency of liver-yin and kidney-yin (14.3%), spleen-kidney-yang deficien cy(10.7%), yin-yang def iciency (5.4%); In the complicated syndrome, the blood stasis is accounted for66.1%, followed by phlegmatic hygrosi s (17.9%), damp and hot (16.1%).⑥Among the four main syndromes, there are no significant differences with sex, course of disease (P>0.05), there is a significant difference (P<0.05)with body massindex, and a merger of diabetic peripheral neuropathy, diabetic peripheral vascu lar disease-free significant correlation (P>0.05), diabetic retinop athy installment in a multi-phase1(57.1%), there are no significant differences with whether or not combined with hypertension diseas e, coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, dyslipidemia (P>0.05).⑦In the distribution of the syndromes, there are no significant differences with the average correlation of glycosylated hemoglobi n, urinary albumin excretion rate, serum creatinine, total cholester ol, triglycerides, uric acid (P>0.05), there is a significant differ ence (P<0.05)with low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, there are diff erences between the deficiency of liver-yin and kidney-yin and yin-yang deficiency.[Conclusion] Through the research on general data and clinical data of56cases of elderly patients with early diabetic nephropathy and clinical show that:①Overweight or obese may be a risk factor for early diabetic nephropathy in the elderly, and its impact on the dis tribution of syndromes;②Most of the elderly patients with early di abetic nephropathy are combined with other diabetes microvascular a nd macrovascular disease, and There may be consistency between the e xtent of elderly diabetic nephropathy and diabetic retinopathy.③Hy peruricemia may be a risk factor of the occurrence and development for early diabetic nephropathy in elderly.④Most of the elderly pat ients with early diabetic nephropathy are combined with hypertensio n and dyslipidemia.⑤is to the constituent ratio of elderly patient s with early diabetic nephropathy syndromes, the both qi and yin def iciency and blood stasis take a primary station.⑥The correlation b etween elderly early diabetic nephropathy syndrome distribution and sex, duration of diabetes, comorbidities, physical and chemical ind icators is unclear, pending furtherstudies with larger sample.
Keywords/Search Tags:elderly, Early diabetic nephropathy, TCM syndrome, relevant factor
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