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Autistic Is Shameful It?

Posted on:2014-10-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y GuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the movie Ocean Heaven released in2010, public begin to have attention on autism. But on the one hand most of the autistic children’s parents regard autism as disease, try a variety of ways to cure autism and become expert in the field, on the other hand publics have lots of misunderstanding on autism and have discrimination against autism. Based on participant observation and in-depth field interview, this research describes the tribulations that an autistic child’s family experience. And through these tribulations, author tries to explain the limitation on autistic disease perspective. In order to verify different social concept lead to different autistic children’s families’life experience, this research also combing an American autism child’s families’experience to compare with the Chinese case. Through the comparison author try to reflect the reasons of discriminations and segregations on autistic children and their families. With an aim to help autistic people to point their view, this thesis will contribute to a deeper understanding of cultural diversity on behavior, the ways of thinking and the ways of feeling.
Keywords/Search Tags:autism, disease, disability, cultural diversity, reflection
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