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OSAHS Patients With Peripheral Blood Levels Of Serum MPO's

Posted on:2014-10-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
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Objective:By comparing serum MPO level in the peripheral blood of adultmild, moderate and severe OSAHS patients and non-OSAHS(control)healthyadaults,discusses the relationship between OSAHS patients withatherosclerosis,preliminary understanding of OSAHS patients complicatedwith coronary heart disease risk and MPO in the role of the OSAHS patientscomplicated with coronary heart disease (CHD) risk assessment.Methods:Selection between April2012and November80cases in thepeople’s hospital of hunan province during the period of snoring adults,20patients from outpatient medical examination, according to the Epworthsleepiness scale and Berlin sleep quality assessment questionnaireresults in OSAHS normal control group, more than60cases research objectfor the hospital otolaryngology head and neck surgery hospitalizedpatients during the same period, according to the result of sleeprespiration monitoring respectively in mild OSAHS group, moderate OSAHSgroup, the severe OSAHS group, each group has20cases of patients. Allsubjects were diagnosed without clearly acute or severe infection,cerebrovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease, recent surgery,malignant tumor, liver and kidney dysfunction, lung disease, autoimmunedisease, severe trauma, thyroid function, tobacco and alcohol addiction.All OSAHS group research object line ESS and Berlin sleep qualityassessment questionnaire, patients with OSAHS group lines of PSGmonitoring fasting venous blood was pumping elbow, the morning after30minutes into the upper serum, centrifugal after put into the refrigerator-80oC cryopreserved, for all samples collected after the completion ofthe specialist by ELISA one-time batch determination of MPO level in eachstudy peripheral blood. Analysis of MPO level and related disease suchas AHI, LSaO2indicators. Using the statistical software SPSS13.0to all the data for statistical analysis.Results:1.Serum MPO levels was no statistically earthshakingdifference in patients with OSAHS group and mild OSAHS group (P=0.932>0.05). Moderate OSAHS serum level is higher than the OSAHS group (P=0.002<0.05). MPO level in severe OSAHS group was obviously higher thanthat of the serum MPO level in OSAHS group (P=0.000<0.05). Differentlevels of serum MPO was statistically significant in three groups ofpatients with OSAHS (P <0.05).2.Serum MPO levels correlated with AHI,LSaO2and BMI of OSAHS patients (P <0.05), There was significantcorrelation of serum MPO levels with AHI (r=0.677), and LSaO2(r=-0.541), Serum MPO levels was not related with the gender, age groupsof the patients.Conclusion:Moderately severe OSAHS patients serum MPO level increasedsignificantly, MPO closely associated with OSAHS patients, associatedwith the severity of disease, gender, age has nothing to do with thepatient. MPO may participate in the pathological process of OSAHS,especially the OSAHS associated pathophysiological process ofcardiovascular disease. Moderately severe OSAHS patients complicatedwith coronary heart disease risk may be higher than that ofmild-to-moderate OSAHS and non-OSAHS. MPO in OSAHS patients or the riskof severe cardiovascular complications in patients with late course mayhave a better forecast effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:OSAHS, MPO, oxidative stress, inflammatory response
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