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Oil Rights - Oil Geopolitics New Perspective

Posted on:2014-11-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B KongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2261330392463108Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Traditional geopolitics including “sea power”,“land power” and “power” considerthe sphere is the most important geopolitics characteristic, and the best way tosafeguard country is to secure the sphere. However, with the rapid progress ofeconomic globalization, technology innovation and countries interaction, othercharacteristic like energy has become the core geopolitics characteristic. The role ofoil as a geography-sensitive commodity with financial and political utility firmlyestablishes its special role in global geopolitical competition. The oil geopoliticsshould be brought to the forefront.Power has been the core issue in the geopolitics for a long time. We can infer thatoil-power is the core issue in the oil-geopolitics. Actually, oil has become animportant international politics power. The power of secure is the most important.Oil power includes the capacity to control the oil resources, oil channel and the oilmarket. Oil resources power means the capacity to control oil resources, which shouldanalyze the reserves, production and consumption. Oil channel power means thecapacity to control oil channel including sea lane and pipeline, and the capacitydepends on geographical location, security risk and competition. Oil market powermeans the capacity to control the oil price, which is influenced by the supply anddemand, oil-geopolitics matters and financial factor.Oil channel power and oil market power are becoming more and more important,the way to gain the three kinds of power deserve to research.
Keywords/Search Tags:oil-geopolitics, oil power, oil resource power, oil channel power, oilmarket power
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