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On Diplomatic Work That Yan Huiqing Has DoneDuring Anti-Japanese War Period (1931-1945)

Posted on:2015-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C QiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330425982024Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a famous diplomat in Modern History of China, Yan Huiqing shoulders historic responsibility and makes great contribution to Chinese diplomacy all the time:in the Qing dynasty, the period of northern warlords, the period of Nanjing National Government and the period of PRC. During Anti-Japanese War period, on behalf of Nanjing National Government, senile Yan Huiqing attended conference organized by League of Nations, revealed the fact that Japan invaded China and defended Chinese interests. He also established Shanghai International Committee of the Red Cross Society of China in Shanghai, actively organized various kinds of rescues and obtained assistants from all over the world. He went to America to appeal for help as chiefrepresentative of Institute of Pacific Relations and promoted America’s aid to China. All of these give light to the great patriotism Yan Huiqing has shown and reflect the international environment back then.The whole essay is divided into five parts:Part1Introduction. Throw light on the value and significance of the topic and review related research and studies. The key point, difficult point and innovation of this essay are also raised.Part2Attend conference organized by League of Nations and defend Chinese interests. On behalf of Nanjing National Government, Yan Huiqing attended a series of activities organized by League of Nations, including coping with January28th Incident, negotiation on resuming diplomatic relations between China and Soviet, launching Lytton Commission and other diplomatic works to fight against Japanese invaders.Part3Organize resistant activities in Shanghai. Yan Huiqiing established Shanghai International Committee of the Red Cross Society of China, actively organized various kinds of rescues and obtained assistants from all over the world. He also set up refugee sector in Nanshi and played an active role in final victory.Part4Pay a visit to America again and appeal for help. Assigned by Chiang Kai-shek in private, Yan Huiqing went to America to appeal for help as chief representative of Institute of Pacific Relations and introduced America’s aid to China, laying solid foundation for the final victory of Anti-Japanese War.Part5Conclusion. Give light to the sense of responsibility and great patriotism Yan Huiqing has shown, which can be used as a reference in today’s diplomatic work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yan Huiqing, Anti-Japanese War, diplomatic work
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