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The Theory Of System Of Police Testifying

Posted on:2014-04-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Q HuFull Text:PDF
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Armed police refers to a national security nature of executive power, charged with safeguarding national security and stability of the important tasks. The police chief of this article refers to the state police public security organs, does not involve labor camp management agencies, security agencies, prison authorities of the People’s Police, does not involve the People’s Procuratorate, the people’s court of the judicial police. Many countries now have of the police to testify, the question as to accept the prosecution and defense in criminal proceedings is a basic requirement in legislation, it is clear that the police should assume the basic obligations. Police witnesses to testify not only to improve the system has an important role, but also to enhance the application of the law has an important role, but also can improve the enthusiasm of the participants in criminal proceedings, highlighting the fairness and impartiality of the proceedings. Police Police court will conduct its own investigation of the constraints play a role in the investigation of the police line to become part of judicial review.China in the newly revised "Code of Criminal Procedure," for the first time clearly defined the police have an obligation to testify, but was more general provisions, operability is not strong. Therefore, this paper first discusses the reasons for the police to testify in court, compared the common law, civil law countries the requirements for the police to testify in court, and finally the police to testify under our current legislation, practice situation, there are difficulties, put forward a sound system for the police to testify the relevant recommendations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Police, court, testify
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