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A Study Upon City Floating Population’s Imappropirate Behaviors

Posted on:2014-08-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330425961446Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of our economy and society, the floating populationof the city has become an important trend. As a big developing country, the cityfloating population misconduct problem is a major public issue on social stability andharmonious development, this effective governance is an important and realisticproposition in the theory and practice of public administration. In this paper, theselected urban floating population behavior anomie governance to the behavior of thefloating population of the city has been the title, with the structural strain theory ofclash of civilizations theory of relative deprivation, social mobility theory andgovernance theory systematic study of hope benefit. In the overall socialtransformation period, a large number of factors of social, psychological, andmanagement of the city floating population misconduct, China’s urban floatingpopulation to varying degrees,a variety of misconduct. Specific performance:criminal behavior, behavior disturbing social order,uncivilized behavior, and ethicalmisconducts. The reason is the following: the impact of the urban-rural differences;strong sense of relative deprivation psychological mechanisms; stimulation of culturalconflict; social lack of supervision; floating population in their own quality reasons.Outstanding problems for urban migrants’ Anomie, you need to take acomprehensive and full range of countermeasrues. First, strengthen the service system,such as building a unified employment service system, speed up the urban publicservice system and community-based service management system, the floatingpopulation of the cities included in the scope of public services in the past; improvethe social security system, the system and the establishment of urbanization inChina’s household registration management system, thereby the less urban migrantsmisconduct institutional barriers. Second,pay attention to the cultural management ofurban migrants. Third,strengthen the government’s social management functions, andmobilize all social forces,and actively guide the floating population of the city theirown qualities and ideas to improve and change. In short, through the coordination andcooperation of the government, society and the general public in order to achieveeffective governance of the Cit’ys floating population behavior anomie.
Keywords/Search Tags:Floating Population, Behavior Anomie, Control
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