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The Research On Party School Education In Colleges And Universities

Posted on:2014-05-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330425470925Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
College party school education, direct managed by the party committee in colleges and universities, as the basic organization form, refers to the activist to educate the ex-party members, cadres and other leaders. The purpose of education is to develop spirit and ideal faith. College party school has been established for30years, at present, as education training system teaching about3.5million people each year, it is to become worthy of the brand in party construction and the ideal faith education. Conscientiously, it is the basic starting point of this research topic that sum up the basic law of education.Based on Marxism education indoctrination theory, using historical analysis, investigation and combination, this paper focuses on the law of college party school education method, the college party school education background, characteristics, operation system, operation mechanism and basic experience effect. Based on this, the author puts forward some suggestions to perfect the college party schooi education. It is:the main reason for party school successfully running is, incentive mechanism to be "the party member", continuously perfecting policy and leadership guide mechanism, communication mechanism, model backbone experienced demonstration mechanism and education mechanism. To sum up, the experiences of college party school basic education development can be summarized as:leading to the party as the basic direction, using recruiting resources as the life source of the party school education, employing high level teachers as the basic principles. Finally, it is suggested to perfect the college party school education. That is: establishing a party as the core of university students’ ideological and political teaching system, strengthening to establish provincial education administrative department as the specialized management, developing correct recruiting motive to comprehensively improve the quality of college party school education, taking the party school as a special school. The passage may aim to exploring experience and the basic principle of college party school education, perfecting the college party school education, integrating the advantage resources so that it can improve college students’ ideological and political education and enhance radiating effect of ideal belief education.
Keywords/Search Tags:the party school education, ideal belief, operation rule
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