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The Reasearch Of The Startup Of Duty Crime Investigation

Posted on:2014-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J GuFull Text:PDF
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This paper in the first place aims at the current duty crime investigationled to the filing procedure code of criminal procedure "in case" fause,preliminary investigation system law qualitative is unknown and showed atrend of abuse and expand applicable, points out the problems existing in thesystem not only makes XingSu prosecution procedure low efficiency, butalso against the requirements of new criminal procedure law and protecthuman rights. Then this paper embarks from the start the basic concepts ofduty crime investigation, analysis of duty crime investigation concept, basicconnotation of the launcher, and try to start the program type will presentinvestigation into two modes: one is the program start metal, the other is therandom start metal. Then try starting from the system evolution historicalprocess, this paper analyzes the duty crime investigation initiator’s twoevolution: to start, and gradually introducing the preliminary investigationmechanism, with a legal mechanism for it. And then start the program inview of the current China’s duty crime investigation the current problems,pointed out that the reform of the system is accordant with the needs of thesystem logic self-consistent and to solve the problems of the preliminaryinvestigation system law qualitative requirements. Then this paper leads tothe institutional reconstruction of two core issues: randomness andprocedural factors how to improve the problem how to select and supportingmechanism, thought below reconstruction model is put forward. Finally,based on the deconstruction and reconstruction of duty crime investigation inChina starting procedure, this paper provide the primary reform based on the current form that is the multilevel construction of current duty crimeinvestigation procedure. After that, this paper provides the senior reform forfuture that is the random start-up mode of duty crime investigation. Throughcomparing these start-up modes of duty CRIME INVESTIGATION, thispaper wants to offer some ideas to legislative choice suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:duty crimes, startup of crime investigation, program startmetal, random start metal
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