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Marxist Theory Of The Industrialization Of Agriculture Research

Posted on:2014-06-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330401490491Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Defined Marxist theory of agricultural industrialization, from its theoreticalbackground, theoretical vision and theoretical core start. Marxist theory of theformation of agricultural industrialization realistic background of the people’slivelihood is agriculture is an important industry, and the low efficiency of agriculturalproduction, agricultural workers than the major. Marxist theory of agriculturalindustrialization theoretical vision is to form the theoretical basis of Marxism, and thedevelopment of human civilization. Marxist theory of the industrialization ofagriculture is the core of its unique value orientation and technical route.Marxist theory of the formation of agricultural industrialization and developmentin different periods of representative writers made the corresponding theoreticalcontributions. Marx and Engels in the industrialization of agriculture’s contribution tothe theory embodied in the theory of social reproduction, the average profit theory andsocial division of labor theory. Lenin and Stalin in the industrialization of agricultureis reflected in the theoretical contribution of Lenin’s New Economic Policy andStalin’s theory of the collective farms were agricultural development. Theory ofsocialism with Chinese characteristics, a representative figure for the agriculturalindustry has made important theoretical contributions to agriculture is reflected in therelevant Mao Thought and Deng Xiaoping theory of market economy, agricultureJiang Zemin Thought, Hu’s scientific concept of development and a series ofideological system.Marxist theory of the industrialization of agricultureis the main content ofthefirst mode of operation of the industrialization of agriculture, including family farms,leading enterprise-driven, cooperativeorganization type, type of intermediaryorganizations; followed its operational mechanism, covering the interest mechanism,system security, regulatory mechanisms etc. implementation approachis again mainlyto accelerate rural reform and innovation management, urban-rural integration,technological progressand other aspects.Marxist theory of the characteristics of agricultural industrialization reflectedscientific, innovative nature of the times, strategic, etc. The theory is in line withcontemporary China’s national conditions and is an accurate grasp of the internationalsituation, emancipate our minds, the ideological line of seeking truth from facts, is a product of practice, including organizational innovation, structural innovation,technological innovation and other aspects constitute the innovation mechanism.Marxist theories focus on the industrialization of agriculture material and culturalneeds of the people of the reality, but also focus on promoting the improvement of thequality of people, its essence is to promote the comprehensive development. Marxisttheory of agricultural industrialization contemporary value as follows: there isconducive to promoting the integration of urban and rural areas, promote agriculturalmodernization, changes in agricultural economic growth.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marxis, Agricultural Industrialization, Theory
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