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The Government Regulation Of Corporate Blog’s Commercial Speech

Posted on:2014-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X QinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330401490155Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Does the term "commercial speech is a translation of import, its first appeared in1942" Valentine v. Chrestensen "case, it was also in this case, the first will be the newconcept of" commercial speech "associated with freedom of speech protected by theconstitution. In today’s world is in the process of promoting freedom of speech, thepursuit of commercial interests of the original commercial speech, because do nothave a political speech in social and social core values, whether for commercialspeech should also enjoy the constitutional protection of the debate, the debate overthe years has finally had the preliminary conclusion, it is commercial speech shouldalso have equal protection by the constitution.Enterprise blog think enterprise create profits for the purpose, so as to achievethe effect of the stimulus spending, selling products introduction to enterpriseproducts or services. This part of the speech you should see it as a commercial speech.Corporate blogs had great changes because of the development of network, enterpriseuse blog for marketing activities of the positive effects began to stand out. Somecompanies have started to use blog marketing way, at the same time use blogs toimprove enterprise well-knownness and service quality. But in the process of businessuse of blog comments still exist the following problems: lack of government’sregulation of network speech; Enterprise blog running mechanism is unreasonable;The current laws and regulations conflict as well as the mechanism of lawenforcement responsibility unknown problems. Make the enterprise blog in theprocess of operation will be considerable untrue statements, constituting unfaircompetition and the competition of commercial speech. This for the benefit of theconsumer and enterprise competition poses a threat.The government can regulate the legal basis for corporate blog comments fromgovernment regulation and economic freedom, the relationship between enterpriseexternal for relations with the government regulation, market failure theory and therelationship of government rules and regulations, this article mainly from the threeaspects to discuss. Only rely on own strength is difficult to overcome market failureof this problem, and by resorting to government economic regulation to be correctedand digestion is a reasonable choice. The externalities of corporate behavior refers tothe behavior of the enterprise to its stakeholders bring benefit or damage. Because thepursue benefit maximization of the enterprise and ignore the characteristics of social responsibility, so the enterprise is generally do not have the urge to take responsibility.In this case the government as one of corporate social responsibility of promotingsubject, should use fiscal policy, the positive externalities of enterprise behavior topay subsidies, incentives, encourage enterprises to develop production, meet thesocial needs, the stocky market failure the necessity of government to the enterpriseblog comments regulation. At the same time the government in regulating behavior,also need to pay attention to use appropriate ways to intervene.Government on corporate blogging regulation measures need to be discussedfrom the legal level, the first argument of corporate blogs should be equal protectionof the constitution at the same time, also set specific standards for the regulation ofthe government to the enterprise blog, this standard is mainly from two aspects of theauthenticity of blog comments and due competitive to make. On this basis, we fromset up enterprise blog censorship system; Strengthen the supervision of theadministrative penalties; Clear corporate blogs main body the legal responsibility; Tostrengthen the supervision and management of enterprise blog comments; Strengthenindustry self-discipline and social supervision to implement several levels. Hope cansolve business problems of blog in the modern economic and social development,truly for the enterprise, used for public use, keep the link between businesses andconsumers communication, ensure the dialogue open, better feedback, bring newimpetus for the development of enterprises, more economic development and socialprogress brings new vigor and vitality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial speech, Corporate blogs, Freedom of speech, Thegovernment regulation
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