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A Study Of The Relationship Between The Nazi Party And The Germany Working Class From1919to1933

Posted on:2014-10-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Z JiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330401461674Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
On January30th,1930, as Hitler became the chancellor of Germany, the Nazi Partycame to power. The Nazi Party became the Germany’s biggest party from an unknownsmall party just in two decades. It was the result from the support of all the social classesas well as the Working Class. But the Working Class did not support the Nazi Party atfirst. It was a changing process of the relationship between the Nazi Party and theWorking Class from1919to1933.The Nazi Party had initial contacts with the Working Class form1919to1923.There were some articles to attract the Working Class while the working parties weredeveloping fastly. Most workers were in these parties while only a few unemployedworkers joined the Nazi Party. The Nazi Party had a huge progress from1923to1929.But there was still not a material change during that time. The economy was developingfastly and the politic was becoming more stable because of the Dawes Plan and somepolicies in favor of the workers published by the weimar government. That reduced theenthusiasm of the Working Class to join the politics. The Working Class did not believethe tricks of the Nazi Party. There was a real transformation of relationship between theNazi Party and the Working Class from1929to1933. It was a big chaos of both thepolitics and the economics because of the Economic Crisis in1929. The Nazi Partystrengthened their policy to cheat the Working Class while the working parties did not doanything. That lead to a result that lots of workers joined the Nazi Party.The Nazi Party began to seek for the support of the Working Class since its earlyestablishment. But the Working Class did not buy it.They were cheated to support theNazi Party after the economic crisis in1929. Most of the workers voted to the Nazi Partyin these elections during1930s. Finally, the Working Class was cheated to be a support tomake the Nazi Party get power.
Keywords/Search Tags:Germany, Nazi Party, Hitler, Working Class, Relationship
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