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The Study Of Supervision Legal System Of Rural Capital Mutual Cooperative Organization

Posted on:2013-04-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330395488469Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rural capital mutual cooperative organization is a new type of rural cooperativefinancial organization. It’s a powerful supplement to the lack of rural microcredit inrural commercial banks and rural credit cooperatives, and it swap the intermediationof funds in rural areas provide the services to farmers and small rural businesses in theneed of finance. Healthy and stable development of the rural capital mutualcooperative organization helps to improve the financing environment of the ruralfinancial market; it also plays an important role in promoting the perfect of ruralfinancial system. The supervision legal system of rural capital mutual cooperativeorganization is the necessary conditions to protect its benign operations. Itsspontaneous and mutual aid characteristics are different from the general profitabilityof financial institutions, also the legal supervision of the rural capital mutualcooperative organization is different from general commercial banks.The authorbased on the current situation of rural capital mutual cooperative organization and theframe of supervision legal system, analyze the problems of supervision legal system,learn from the successful experience of foreign rural cooperative financial andcombined with our special conditions to put forward suggestions for perfecting thesupervision legal system of rural capital mutual cooperative organization in china.Except the introduction, this paper is divided into three parts. The first part is anoverview of the rural capital mutual cooperative organization. Firstly, definite therural capital mutual cooperative organization from an academic and legal angle, andthen analyzes the rural capital mutual cooperative organization with several features:mutual aid, spontaneous, community, run low-cost, etc. Last, elaborate thebackground and the significance of the existence of it, and risks in its operation, buildthe foundation for demonstration of the study in the supervision legal system of ruralcapital mutual cooperative organization.The second part is an overview for the current situation and problems of thesupervision legal system of rural capital mutual cooperative organization. For the Firstis to examine the overall situation of supervision legal system of rural capital mutualcooperative organization, from the regulatory agency and its authority, the regulatorymode, the regulatory measure and the regulatory scope etc. these four aspects todescribe the situation of the rural capital mutual cooperative organization. And then based on this situation to analyze and discuss the specific problems of the supervisionlegal system of rural capital mutual cooperative organization.the problems are:market access threshold is too high, leading to the farmers and rural small businessescan not set up a rural capital mutual cooperative organization to achieve financingobjective; limited financial resources, leading to the rural capital mutual cooperativeorganization hard to operation; internal control system is imperfect, resulting in littleeffect of external supervision; industry self-regulatory organization has not beenestablished, the lack of effective social middle layer of the main control systems;regulatory measures are not appropriate, there is no regulatory measures for the ruralcapital mutual cooperative organization.The third part is suggestions to improve the supervision legal system of ruralcapital mutual cooperative organization. For the specific issues mentioned in thesecond part, combine Chinese specific national conditions with foreign advancedsupervisory experience, the author propose suggestions for improving the supervisionlegal system of rural capital mutual cooperative organization: to make clear the basicprinciple of the supervision legal system of rural capital mutual cooperativeorganization, to make clear the value concept of the supervision legal system of ruralcapital mutual cooperative organization, to build the macroscopic governmentmultilayer supervision system, to build medium of society intermediate layer of thesupervision legal system of rural capital mutual cooperative organization, to improvemicrocosmic control system of the rural capital mutual cooperative organization, tomake clear the main regulatory authority, to relax market access conditions, to buildsource of funds guarantee mechanism of the rural capital mutual cooperativeorganization, to build deposit insurance system of rural capital mutual cooperativeorganization and the another improving suggestion etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural capital mutual cooperative organization, Supervision, Legal system
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