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Study On The Reasons And Countermeasures Of Mass Incidents In The Perspective Of Public Administration

Posted on:2014-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330392471996Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, mass incidents is not uncommon in China,and it has reached morethan ten million every year. As one important form of social contradictions and conflictsof the transition period, mass incidents not only affect social development and stability,and to some extent affected our country the possibility of a smooth transition processfrom traditional society to a modern society. The mass incidents frequent alarm soundedin both the reform and development process, but also to urge the Government to explorethe correct thrust of the reform and development of the road. Study from differentperspective, domestic scholars study mass incidents is quite different. We need a morethorough theoretical analysis of the causes of mass incidents, and then put forwardfeasible optimization countermeasures.The study from the perspective of public administration of the causes andcountermeasures of mass incidents, which causes two major aspects of the public sectorcontrol predicament and civil society immature. we have six recommendations aboutcounter-measures: Firstly, to strengthen the norms, constraints, and supervision of thepublic authority; secondly, strengthening public sector organizational innovation andimprove government administrative capacity; thirdly, more smooth the interests of theindividual citizen demands channels, expand citizens’ public decision-makingparticipation; Fourthly, cultivate and improve citizen self-organization, to promote theformation of a mature civil society; Fifthly, strengthen the legal system to strengthen theexecutive heads of the accountability system for group events; Sixthly is to establish anearly warning mechanism and the establishment of emergency response mechanisms.Due to more complex problems and contradictions hidden behind the massincidents, it is difficult to be done overnight. Government and other public sector shouldto establish a strong public crisis resolve consciousness and cannot rashly use the stateto suppress, use blunt treatment. At the same time, we need to establish a soundlong-term mechanism, but also pay attention to the disposal of a mass incidentsattention and solve the associated problems, truly go to the grass-roots level, have thepatience to deal with all kinds of contradictions and problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:mass incidents, reasons, countermeasures
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