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A Study Of Remedies Of Concentration Of Undertakings

Posted on:2013-03-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H ShaoFull Text:PDF
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Concentration of Undertakings is an important means for undertakings toenhance their own economic strength.In order to strengthen market position in therelevant marketin the course of globalization, multinational corporations strive toquickely occupy the market through mergering small enterprises.Remedies ofconcentration of undertakings must be applied to maintain an orderly marketcompetition and prevent undertakings from over-concentration which may reducemarket market competition and damage consumers’ interests.There is relief system in Our nations Anti-monopoly law.In the past four years,China’s regulations on remedies of concentration of undertakings have beencontinuely improvement,and enforcement experiences of the Department ofCommerce also been enriched.However, there are still some inadequacies inlegislation and the application of the relief measures, so the author try to give somesuggestions through a study, ihoping be helpful to enforcement.In chapter one, necessity of remedies of concentration of undertaking is point outfrom its active role and negative effects.After that,contents of two different remediesand their economic basis are discussed. The active effect remedies in maintenance ofmarket competition also be studied.In chapter two,a detailed analysis is made on the application of relief measures inEuropean Union and the United States, in addition to that, a deep discussion on requirements and specific provisions of the relief measures of E.U and took,inthe hope of giving ideas in China’s relief legislation and practice.In chapter three, there are inadequacies found after analysis of China’s currentrelief measures system, for example, a low position in legal grade, a lack of standardsof selection and regulations.In the next chapter, the author will put forward someproposes.In chapter four, a corresponding improvement suggestion is given in order toboost our anti-monopoly law work,which being an important role in maintain ofcompetition in the market.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anti-monopoly law, Concentration of undertakingsstructural remedy, behavioral remedy, Divestiture
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