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Effects Of Learning Styles On College Vocal Students’ Learning Behaviors

Posted on:2015-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B X YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428968409Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Music has always been a popular program is various professional schools and colleges. As society continues to advance, more and more students will study music. As such, many of those who are passionate about music are hoping to enroll in the music program in professional schools or colleges. As China’s vocal music program continues to grow and expand, we may encounter questions regarding the music education sector and the study of music itself. Not only does this affect the development of the music education industry here in China, but it would also have a more pronounced impact on the professional development of the students who chose music the program.These questions inspired the author to approach the issue from the viewpoint of the students who are majoring in music. Through preliminary research, it has been discovered that each individual majoring in music have their own unique style of learning. This may lead to different absorption of information by different individuals when presented with the same content. Are there truly differences in the learning style of those who are majoring in music? In which aspects do these different styles of learning manifest themselves? What are the characteristics of the different learning styles? How do these different learning styles affect the way they learn?With these questions in mind, the author began this research project. Through various methods of data collection, such as examining existing works on the subject, as well as using a combination of qualitative and quantitive method, they formed the foundation of this research design and execution. Researchers obtained useful data of this research project from subjects through feedback and analysis from the face-to-face survey questions.This essay is divided into five parts:First part is the introduction, mainly introducing the research background, the goals of this research, as well as the research question.The second part is focused on examining existing works, looking at and organizing related research conducted both in China and around the world.The third part is research methods, mainly focused on the ways research subjects were selected and confirmed, the design of the quantifiable factors of the research, as well as the process of the research itself.The fourth part is the results of the research, primarily analyzing the effects of different learning styles on the ways of learning, including how learning styles impact behavior within the classroom and during practice. The fifth part is the conclusion, mainly analyzing and concluding the results of this research, and producing recommendations for students majoring in music.
Keywords/Search Tags:learning styles, learning behaviors, music major, college studentsmajoring in music, classroom behaviors, practice behaviors
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