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Arkadian:Ethnos、Polis And The Arkadian Confederary

Posted on:2015-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H QiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428968238Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Due to the unique geographical environment,the development of Ancient Arkadia is different from those of Athen and Sparta, whose political system is the city-states or the poleis. Ancient Arkadia exists not only Arkadia ethnic identity, but also various internal ethnic identities of different communities,while the former lost in Greece.In Ancient Arkadia exists two different internal political communities:the tribal community and polis beyond the tribal community,this makes the relationships between regional comminities and with the outside to be complex.The changing political context has affected the development of Ancient Arkadia,from the relationshiop between internal communities to the establishment and foreign actinities of the Akadian Cnnfederary,and vice the Arkadia Confedeerary also played a role,especially on the Peloponnese.The Arkadia confederary collapsed very quickly,at last being one part of the Attic Province, one of Roman Privinces.
Keywords/Search Tags:Arkadia, ethnic, polis, The Akadian confederary
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