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Research On Shen Cai And His Operas

Posted on:2015-02-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YangFull Text:PDF
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Shen Cai is a very representative of the opera house,in the earlystage of the Ming Dynasty.his main works focus on the creation of thelegend,in the complex background, he carried out the innovation andreform of the legend, had a profound impact on the later operasystem.ShenCai lived in the city of Jiading which has extremelyprosperous opera art life in the history, where has rich soil and operaperformance tradition, have a great influence on his later creative ofoperas. Three were taken as the legendary Shen Cai, respectively,Records of Thousands of gold, Records of return the belt, Records offour festival, only the first two be preserved.The main works of theconfucian benevolence thought and positive dialectical fatalism. Firstof all, the confucian benevolence thought become throughout hisworks always clues. Created a series of works on behalf of theglorious image of Confucian filial piety and righteousness, to promoteconfucian morality.Through a series of justice and injustice of wars advocates benevolent to win the war view. Secondly, in Shen Caiworks also reflects a dialectical fatalism. Hero by stuck to hang in theprocess of transition, everywhere hangs over the fate of the shadow,the fate of track also appears more has the mystery. But also worksthrough aggressive struggle hero, fate can be obtained through theirown efforts to change the fate of the dialectical concept.In art, Shen Cai works in combination with the characteristics ofthe legendary opera, absorbing drama content and lyrics at the sametime, also has the inherit and innovation to the dynasty system In thesame historical inheritance of folklore taken hybridity way,according to their own aesthetic concepts and aesthetic appeal,combined with folklore and literary creation for historical and folklorewere carefully refining and processing.In the overall structure of thescript, the rational use of both convergence structure, so that thescript works completely abandoned the subject has nothing to dowith the content, the plot is more complete, more distinctive theme.In the portrayal of the characters and plot setting, using dialecticalanalysis, from two aspects of positive and negative, makes the workmore rigorous, logical thinking more closely.ShenCai opera works, although the literature achievement is notvery high, but as a whole, the story of the development of logical, plotis very reasonable and smooth, characters with their own characteristics, true to life likeness, structure arrangement is verycompact, very suitable for performing on stage, his works in differentperiods are repeatedly performed and adaptation, in Kunqu Opera thestage is transferred to the classic.In short, Shen Cai is the early important mining opera author,drama and legendary mutual penetration in the period of its creationshows the past and the characteristics of the times, the formation ofstereo types and Southern Dynasty legend has made somecontribution.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shen Cai, Records of "Thousands of gold", Recordsof return the belt, Records of four festival
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