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Ancient Chinese Literature

Posted on:2015-03-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428962865Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
River Fen local color is always a great group of poets, they areactive in the Yellow River, Fen River Basin, their strong regionalcharacteristics and similar writing style of the Jin Dynasty literatureproduced its far-reaching impact. In addition to "River Fen-agingresearch" and "River Fen old interpretation" on the river Fen old littlestudied. The study specifically for river Fen old poet to a specificpopulation, there are very few, simple and relatively rough, the lack ofdetailed in-depth inquiry. The study of Chen Geng and Chen Yubrothers, only Mr. Liu Dake’s "Chen Geng And Chen Yu Dynasty," thearticle on Chen Geng and Chen Yu’s family background, life, makefriends and creative and so conducted a preliminary study research,but there is further research is necessary. Therefore, I thinkcomprehensive study on Chen Geng and Chen Yu is necessary.In addition to the full text of the introduction and conclusion, isdivided into five parts. First, through the Chen brothers familymigration, descent, make friends real line of research, can be on theriver Fen old writer supplement research data for future studies of oldriver Fen provide more detailed information. In terms of familybackground test, mainly through the two Chen’s family and thegrandfather and father of three migratory conduct research, improvegenealogical information; line real test areas, mainly on their officialshoe, whereabouts and supplement research, develop chronologicalChronicle; in Making Friends, the main research is to improve theprevious data, and make friends explore their thoughts from the situation.Second, through the ideas and content of the Chen brothersstudies can reveal the time profile Chinese literature and thesituation in northern national integration, designed to reflect theliterature of the period, obtained through analysis of factors affectingtheir thought are: Neo strong atmosphere, affecting idealistphilosophy, Confucianism respected family; classification of twopoems Chen integration of the two works retained, the themes andgenres, staging poetry introduced; main Contents of two poems byAnalysis of the two poems are divided into four categories: theinfinite sorrow of war and the deep longing for the homeland, for afriend ’s deep affection for the earnest hope that the new dynasty,heartfelt praise of nature.Third, by Art Features of Study their poetry, poetry is certainlyworth to study. After analyzing the characteristics of two of the artof poetry is divided into three categories: heroic desolation,sustenance away deep; using allusions, bold and elegant; richimagery, meaning meaningful.Fourth, from the subject matter, style, landscape poetry thesame title, with four typical way to compare two poems Chen,highlighting its uniqueness, to establish the status of the Chenbrothers in literary history has a certain significance.Fifth, by exploring their relationship with Yuan Haowen and theold river Fen, Fen always come to the river and lakes Poets Poetryfairly important position in the literary world of the north, the riverFen Chen brothers are older groups distinguished delegates, is anexcellent poet Kim Won-generation occasion.All in all, this article by Chen Geng and Chen Yu brothers and their research work, aimed at bridging the predecessors to the River Fenold research deficiencies. Through this research, I hope to contributeto a modest force of the Jin Dynasty, and further enrich Shanxiliterature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chen Geng, Chen Yu, poetry, study
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