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The Argument On "The New Ping-shu" Of Compose And Performance By Yuan Kuocheng

Posted on:2015-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the1950s, with the establishment and development of new Chinese folk art, including Beijing traditional folk art of storytelling, including the creation and performance, has entered a new stage. Era,"said the new singing new" requirements, making Beijing storytelling created and performed the theme of subject matter and ideas continue to expand. Which reflects the program of modern life, especially the revolutionary historical themes of the program, such as the main performance Sino-Japanese War, the liberation war heroes and their deeds period of socialist construction program has become a new important results, but the majority of listeners and viewers welcome and loved.Yuan Kuocheng storytelling as wide as masters in the "new storytelling" or staged practice since the founding of New China, has always been at the forefront of the times, has made outstanding achievements. Especially his new novel or staged according to some "new storytelling", not only the content of a new, fresh and said speech, known as "the leader said the new book." But Yuan Kuocheng research compiled into play and the "new storytelling", has been relatively missing;"new storytelling" devoted to the study, is also very rare. As for the "new storytelling" study, regardless of the history of the study of contemporary folk art of storytelling and the whole history of storytelling record or play in contemporary Beijing and the entire opera new innovative research programs, are very meaningful. Therefore, this thesis research and writing whatever he wanted to carry out some exploration and efforts in these areas. In order to compensate for the corresponding blank, causing academic attention.This paper consists of Introduction composed of four parts body, more than theory and appendix. Which cited a brief overview on the background and significance of literature review of past studies, and the concept of innovation and the creation of "a new storytelling" in Beijing storytelling in the development of the corresponding interpretation; text is divided into three chapters:briefly with storytelling art road Yuan Kuocheng, carded Yuan Kuocheng "new storytelling" or staged practice, explore Yuan Kuocheng "new storytelling" or staged contribution; Epilogue Part I:elaborated Yuan W into a "new storytelling" or staged in Beijing storytelling development of enlightenment and Discussion on Beijing survival and development trend of contemporary storytelling. Considered and noted:Yuan W into a new China to grow together with the Beijing storytelling artists, especially in the half-century since the fifties and sixties of the20th century, the "new storytelling" or staged activities, mainly through the adaptation and evolution reflects the modern history of the revolution, said ordinary hero fiction story characters such as "Luliang Heroes""utter devotion""Snowy Forest","spring wildfire fighting city""Pioneering""Storm"" Military construction teams Behind enemy ""Agni magic" and "Red Rock" and other subject matter and content." New storytelling,"not only pioneered the use of traditional storytelling performance of modern life, a new way to launch a" war of words "tinker""" Xiao Fei medicine,"" Sister Jiang on board "and" Hui Wan feast "and a series of wonderful representative shows, the history of dedication to storytelling Zirong, Xiao Fei, Jiang Jie Hui Wan and other typical hero and a large number of lifelike characters, and the performance by the new life and a new image of the shape, setting a table, said Beijing storytelling modern language, explore Beijing said table modern storytelling techniques.But it also has some limitations, there is a corresponding lack of such narrative comments about the wonderful but not enough, vivid enough, but plump, fresh language, but the way monotonous. Compared with the traditional storytelling show,"story", although strong and "storytelling flavor" Lueqian; development of the arts in terms of storytelling Beijing, pioneering stronger but less inheritance. Both to create value is also a warning significance; their use in the1980s for the new materialism "Three Kingdoms" and "ancient things said today," Jicheng continued his "new storytelling" or staged artistic tradition, also broke the Early’new storytelling "theme limitations or staged, expanding the" new storytelling "or staged the subject matter, but also enriches the" innovation "of the historical connotations. Appendix section include:Yuan W into a "new storytelling" art Information Arts thing chronology, Yuan Kuocheng published:Audio· Video· Quben program list of the "new storytelling" Yuan Kuocheng compiled acted, Yuan Kuocheng published writings List storytelling audiovisual products list and Yuan Kuocheng, on Yuan wide footprint for art into a sort of chronology, but also a Yuan Kuocheng "new storytelling" or staged scores were centralized records.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yuan Kuocheng, Beijing Ping-shu, "The New Ping-shu", Compose and Performance on Practice, Artistic Contribution
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