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A Study Of Hollywood Sci-fi Movies Ideology

Posted on:2015-03-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ChenFull Text:PDF
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Film as a new mass culture and communication, which inevitably have ideological imprint. Hollywood science fiction movies often its content-rich, visually stunning and sought after by the audience, but it is itself ideological connotations often attached either explicitly or implicitly and unconsciously through a large number of images to complete the narrative spectacle, from a Video principal to replace the main audience, with its unique cultural and political ideology subtle logic implementation may be simultaneous echoes of the crowds. Hollywood sci-fi movies ideology research article is from the movie ideological theory and communication studies perspective, concerned about the Hollywood sci-fi movies in the history of the development process and the transition of power works, as well as the mode of transmission and strategies in the context of the current reality, and to explore political metaphor reason for the success of Hollywood sci-fi movies and behind; drawing on positive communication, cross-cultural studies and other related theories, from talking about the phenomenon, hoping to clearly explain the ideological text and beyond.Specifically, the full text of the preface, body and conclusion of three parts.The preface my research is mainly drawn proposition summarizes the research situation and its ideology of Hollywood sci-fi movies, combing their predecessors have done research that indicates the feasibility and necessity of writing my thesis, and the thesis that the main concepts "ideology" to explain, in particular, that "ideology" concept used in my paper is mainly based on the classification of Marxist definition of ideology and Mannheim on ideology made reference to Althusser ideological state apparatus analysis, so the concept of ideology in my thesis is limited, especially Mannheim main pen "whole ideology.’The first chapter, the first Hollywood sci-fi movies do an overview of the history and of two pairs of Hollywood sci-fi movies and American political, economic, technological and cultural origins as the focus of the analysis, pointed out that in order to concern the content of the Hollywood sci-fi movies, close attention must be involved in video production and marketing of industrial and economic processes, as well as its political and cultural connotations.The second chapter, by selecting a video cases, use movie content analysis and linguistic analysis, the Hollywood sci-fi movie ideological power works in the history of the development process and the main features do dig deeper and explore in the context of the current reality analysis of the Chinese people in Hollywood sci-fi movie which involves changing the image; propagation methods and strategies of Hollywood sci-fi movies.The third chapter, drawing on the theory of positive communication research methods on the final results for the Hollywood science fiction movies ideology inductive analysis, divided into "the whole ideological construct" and "Author ideology beyond" in two parts, describes the Hollywood sci-fi the importance of film as a propaganda tool for the country’s image as well as some American movie of efforts to try to break this bottleneck, the existence of these independent voices in the United States is ever to achieve self-transcendence and cultural origins.The conclusion is a summary of the full text and sublimation hope through the dissemination of research experience in the globalization ideology Hollywood sci-fi movies and successful strategies can find a reference for the market, industrialization and internationalization of China’s road movie, absorption of nutrients.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hollywood, Sci-fi movie, Ideology
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