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A Comparative Study Of Milton’s Paradise Lost And Rabhuzi’s Story Of Adam

Posted on:2015-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N E DiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428480525Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
John Milton is one of the greatest English poets in the17th century. His Paradise Lost has a great influence not only on English literature but also on the word literature, though it is a literary work which represents the Christian religion and culture. Nasirdin Rabhuzi is a famous14th century writer whose Story of Adam represents Islam religion and culture. By making a comparative study of John Milton’s Paradise Lost and Nasirdin Rabhuzi’s Story of Adam, this paper aims to reveal the spiritual pursuit of the English people in the17th century and the Uyghur people in the14th centuryApart from Introduction and Conclusion, this paper includes three chapters. Chapter one focuses on the themes of the two works, chapter two on the on angels, and chapter three forbidden tree. This paper argues that the two works have many similarities and differences. Each is a representation of its unique culture and religion, and each shows its author’s world wide influence. This paper also illustrates that readers can benefit from such a study which can bring new ideas and thoughts to highlight literary works from different religions and cultures but under similar historical conditions.
Keywords/Search Tags:John Milton, Nasirdin Rabhuzi, Paradise Lost, Story of Adam, comparative study
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