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The Absurd Situation And People’s Choices

Posted on:2015-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428480363Subject:Foreign philosophy
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Camus according to his own experience, combine with the understanding of the life world, make use of the method of phenomenology, to make people’s situation in the world is "ridiculous". The absurd situation make people choose the suicide, suicide is closely related to the absurd, their relationship constitute the origin of Camus discuss absurd philosophy. In Camus’s problem domain, suicide problem is the first problem in everyone’s life, which about a person’s fate, is a urgent problem. Camus analyze the reason of the suicide phenomenon, he abandon the past way that to find the root cause of suicide from the perspective of sociology, to seek the root cause of suicide from person’s inside thoughts, and finally find it is concluded that the human sense of the absurd cause people commit suicide. Absurd reality is not only a person’s, a place’s special experience, but the general situation of our times, is the fate of human being themselves. Absurd phenomenon can be seen everywhere, is located in our everyday world. To explore the absurd truth, need to suspend philosophy and science like phenomenology, directly facing the ridiculous itself. When Camus explore the ridiculous truth, never give up the rational analysis, but frequently make use of intuition and insight.The world is absurd, in the face of the absurd, different people make many different choices. Some people can’t bear the life of the absurd, unable to endure the ridiculous life, choose to commit suicide. Some people rely on philosophical ruminate or religious beliefs, try to avoid absurd baiting, live a happy and contented life. For the destruction of the flesh, or the transfer of ideas, in Camus’s opinion, all is leave and escape of the absurd, all is a negative attitude of life. Camus confess to the ridiculous is the destiny of mankind, although people not always can realize it. Absurdity is the basic premise of human existence, from the cradle to the grave, will be a ridiculous with people’s life. Therefore, people can only live with absurd coexistence, and cannot detach from the absurd. Camus is not all see absurdity from negative implication, the absurd itself also contains a unique value. As long as people take a positive attitude of resisting a ridiculous, can in the emptiness of the absurd world, to constantly experience spirit proud in the journey of constantly revolting the absurd, in the endless creation experience the abundant pursuit of life, through resistance and creation, show the value of the absurd.According to Camus’s ideaistic road to discuss absurd philosophy, in this paper, the main content can be roughly divided into three parts, basically follow the progressive transformation narrative logic of the absurd thought. The first part describes that Camus reveal on the absurd phenomenon; The second part describes that people’s attitude face the absurd and his own attitude, as well as ridiculous rebel personality traits; The last part briefly discusses that Camus utilize phenomenological method in resistance philosophy and the positive significance of absurd philosophy,The first part summarizes that Camus reveal ridiculous phenomenon from several aspects. One is that people breed absurd feeling when reflecting on daily behavior; The second is that the relation between word and people is distant and unfamiliar, which make people produce the absurd feeling:The third is that the inevitable death make people deeply feel the absurdity of life; The last one is that the limitations of the rational cognition make a person feel very absurd.The second part mainly discusses that Camus describe several kinds of attitude for the absurd. Some people can’t stand the absurdity of life, to end the absurd life by commit suicide. Some people choose to dedicate speculative philosophy or religious beliefs, in order to avoid absurd to interfere with their soul. Also some people don’t fear the ridiculous, take a resistance attitude against the absurd, in the process of resistance absorbing ridiculous value and happiness. Physiological suicide or philosophical suicide are essentially escape against the absurd, Camus oppose these attitudes, he only agree that the resistance spirit against the absurd. Resisters coexist with the absurd but against the absurd, their main representatives are Don Juanism, drama actor and art creators. The absurd man pursues quantitative ethic, not from the perspective of qualitative but from quantity to measure the value of life. Resisters are these people that disbelieve God, dislike Heaven, not afraid of hell. They just enjoy this life, just end their creative potential in this life, just to get the biggest happiness in this life. These are ridiculous resisters’personality traits, also can saying are their life creeds.The third part is the overall interpretation of phenomenological connotation of the Sisyphe myth, and further interpret the moral of the Sisyphe myth and the positive significance of revealing against philosophy. In Camus’s narrative structure, and there is no lack of rational discussion, but Camus mainly through the phenomenological method to explore the absurd philosophy, and finally boil the absurd philosophy down to the Sisyphe myth. Sisyphe is a penalty in the ancient Greek myth, as he mocked the gods, his penalty sentence is futile labor to push stone up the hill forever in hell. According to the rules of cruel punishment, stone can never be pushed to the top of the hill, but Sisyphe had to push again and again. Camus borrow this myth, very aptly symbolize the absurd man living. He point out human being’s absurd situation, and criticize the escape behavior against the absurd, gain a positive action philosophy that people should according to the resistance spirit directly in the face of the absurd life.The full text begin to the ridiculous suicide, and end Sisyphe against absurd, make the absurdity philosophy gradually from starting point to peakedness. readers end in a thought journey in the smile elegy Camus finally sing as well.
Keywords/Search Tags:Camus, Sisyphe Myth, Absurdity, Escape, Resistance
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