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Development And Inspiration Of Chinese Science And Technology Ethics

Posted on:2015-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X ZouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428473945Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of modern science and technology for human society brings a lot ofconvenience, but the link between technology and ethics are slowly revealed, even attractedthe attention to the whole society and thinking. If the previous technology is mainly generatedthrough indirect impact on the ethical way, then the direct impact of modern technology onethics is becoming more and more prominent, and it leads to a large number of new ethicalfactors, such as networks on ethics, nuclear ethics, genetic ethics, bioethics and other areas.With the high Social modern technology, a high degree of commercialization,industrialization and globalization as well as the human implied unprecedented negative valuesignificantly. Modern technology is no longer like the traditional technology. It is seen as asimple system of knowledge and skills and distinctive demonstration of ethical values ispermeated with social processes and social undertakings.Science and technology ethics is based on the socio-economic relations and socialpractice. With the deepening of practice, it develops further processing in social and naturalrelations and human activities. Technology ethics is in both science and technologyactivities. It constrained by social relations. Only with the improvement of the socialproductive forces, the development of the social labor and the new socio-professionalproduction increase in the mental department. It expands the scale of scientific andtechnological activities. Persons are engaged in scientific and technological activities. There isa considerable number of life in society, and it has great impact on social life. So technologyethics develop slowly.This paper analyzes the process of Chinese science and technology ethics, the ancientand modern ethics, the main contents of modern science and technology ethics. It makes adetailed introduce. The interpretation of science and technology has close contact betweenEthics and technological development. In deep analysis of the meaning and of science andtechnology ethics, the author emphasizes the development of science and technology and themain object of moral responsibility. There are some measures to solve the problem.
Keywords/Search Tags:science and technology ethics, technology workers, influence, development, inspiration
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