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The Study On The Historiography Thought Of Alfred Mahan

Posted on:2015-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D M JiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428473650Subject:Historical Theory and History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Alfred Thayer Mahan was a United States naval strategist andhistorian, He was famous for his theory of "Sea Power". The theory and naval strategyboth were close relatives of his historical studies, his sea-power studies were typicalhistorical studies. His theory of sea power has aroused widespread repercussions inthe world. The theory was introduced into China when the China’s sea power hadbeen losing. We could critique China’s traditional concept of coast defense withMahan’s concept, and it could be assist that study of sea power of China. In the newera, Mahan’s concept could promote the formation of new concept about sea power ofChina.It is necessary for domestic academic circle to conducted many studies ofMahan’s concept of sea power and naval strategy. However, there is lack for studies ofhistoriography thought of Mahan, and academic circle have not paid enough attentionto Mahan’s role of historian.Mahan’s studies formed in1880s-1890s, it was a era of Ocean Empire, andinternational interest of United States connected with marine more and more closer.The waves of sea power research was driven by international interest in American,and combined with studies of naval history. Mahan epitomized the thought of thesewaves, he had great enthusiasm in the history and respected the British Empire.Thereprompted him to research naval history of European. In the academic origins, Mahan’shistorical studies inherited scientific method and tradition of history research frommodern Western military science. In addition, it was inspired by Monson’s TheRoman History. As a result, Mahan’s research related world history to the navy history,and explored the influence of the sea power upon history.Mahan’s historical views based on center of sea power concept, and injected withdestiny colors for it.In his view, sea power played a crucial role in the seventeen tonineteenth Century in European history, It determined the rise of the UK, and declineof land power such as France, Spain, furthermore, the sea power was destined toaccomplish for the country. At the same time, he also have been influenced by theSocial Darwinism.He believed that the history is a process of survival of the fittest.Inthis view,Western Christian civilization was more superior than the other, it was ableto conquer and assimilate the other civilization as unalterable principles, but the sea power was a benign medicine to promote development in that evolution.Mahan’s historical studies had a notable characteristic was historiography viewof utilitarian. He put the historical studies as a tool for his military studies, andcombined his theory with history in his studies. Mahan used the military theory toguide his historical studies. Sea power theory was put a history theory by Mahan, andhe applied the concept of geopolitics into historical studies.On the other hand, therewas not perfect to Mahan’s reference of historical source,he cite a lot of secondarysource, the criticism of historical source is not very carefully. Because his historicalstudies has a strong utilitarian. His research focused on on military theories andgeopolitics. He used to verify the theory through the selection of history. Heemphasized the sea power was a crucial role in the history, and look down on theinfluence of other factors.Mahan’s historiography view of the utilitarian as the reasonfor his historical studies was not very strict, and reduced his naval history forreference value of historiography.
Keywords/Search Tags:Alfred Thayer Mahan, naval history, historiography thought, historical view, historiography view, utilitarian
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